hi, Greetings to the groups,i'm planning to make a console game about Rajendra cholan. we are doing some ground work abt that,i want to know how much people are interested in playing the game.... And i need comments from all especially from saurabh..... And i'll explain why i choosed Rajendra cholan for the game.... And thnx to my uncle Bala Padmanabhan,who helped me a lot to know abt Rajendra cholan. nvestors... so if Ur really interested plz support if u feel it won't work out plz tell me y it WON'T work...
Good to know about your initiative. I am not a gamer and so cant comment on it much, but its a welcome move...good luck.
Bala Padmanaban of Kumbakonam? wow...great man he is. I have had the opportunity to meet him and spend a couple of days a few times in the past...ofcourse during our group visits along with SPS, Kamalakannan, Lavanya,Ram et al.
Hi Srinivas, A game on Indian king would be a nice attempt to spread awareness about Indian history among the kids. This visual medium will be good connect with children and will help in learning. However the game should be unique and interesting that it can compete with other similar games in market.
As you that there are many large enterprises in this segment who can spend millions to create a game. Your intention is noble and competition is tough, but you also have kind wishes of all :).
hi saurabh thnx a lot and i'm agreeing with the points which u said,so,i'm making my steps in preservative way....so with all your wishes i'm working towards the goal
hello sir, First thanx for ur interest towards the game.First of all we are in game design's premature stage to decide about the platform,but we are working to publish either in anyone of ps,xbox,pc or the three..... and with the game design it won't be a good idea to launch in iphone app.and we have experience in iphone gaming and console gaming we have done a lot of projects..... right now we are working on the historic research and the art style.....it's not easy task...we are aware of it.
Dear Srinivas It would definitely be a welcome feat....The kids love mysticism and most of the games avaialable are on war..aliens..or chines myths...I may be wrong but the closest India has been depicted is in prince of Persia...
You can have two versions... One Expediation to Ganaga One Expediation to Kadaram
If you have the knowhow and ability...it would be a good venture....I can vouch for its success with both my boys spending enough time on them
If I can stop one heart from breaking,I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching,Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin, Into his nest again, I shall not live in vain. Emily Dickinson
dear sridhar, very glad to hear those comments from you,and thanx for allowing your kids to play a console game, i hope to produce a chola warriors universally unrevealed braveness.once again thanxhowever i'm going to share this project's each and every progress with all of you in the forum,since i can get lot of comments and feedback...thnx once again s.d.srinivas
Interesting ideas... I've been thinking over similar thoughts myself - instead of waiting for someone to make a traditional movie/small-screen adaptation of something that can't be adapted, why not make something the modern youth would relate to...
Let's discuss this more. I think on the technical side, the primary questions are, "what platform", and "what genre" - I think either an adventure game (a kind of hero's journey) or a strategy, whether turn-based or real-time would be the right types. What do you think?
hi shash, thnx for the support,one thing we have to understand that if any making a periodic movie is not a easy task,it needs a lot of ground work,besides that everyone in the team has to be in the same frequency,and on top of that the director should be non egoistic.first we tried for the movie,then it came for animated movie,with a extraordinary graphics quality,but still we faced lot of issues,now finally we structured the concept as a gamein which we have lot of chance to prove ourself. almost we are done with the intial historic research work, we are looking for a investor and we are working towards it,with my 8 years of experience an my friends 9years of experience in the graphics industry i want the graphics quality should be mind blowing.regardss.d.sriNivas.R
Ofcourse, a game console on history is a good.. But please .remember, the players should never be misguided to see the history as a game. Keep the honour of RJC throughout the game.