tamil history on the UNESCO AND NIC sites
  • Thanks prof
    at least I have one more concerned soul regarding the distorted tamil

    There is a suggestion I can post the letter the group site with the
    relevant address and you can all mail them 450 would be a better
    number than 2

    My mail was just to wake all the 'thoongum thamilar'We have lost a
    fair amount good netters due to the lack of enthusiasm as one of them
    put it...and this is a stalwart in tamil research and networld the
    old members will remember who I am refering to

    People take pains to present something interesting all we can do is
    say 'Thats inteesting mate!' atleast then She or he knows that it was
    One can argue thats not the resaon we post it but still it matters to
    some people
    It may mean that I as a moderator will delete more mails saying
    thanks and that was nice with no real content but thats fine!

    I had to personnaly reinvite two members back to the group and the
    third one declined...

    Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh but I guess proffesion turns you into
    something like that calling death death and not sugar coating it

    can anyone forward dayanidhi marans email...He is the IT minister I
    can mail him as well
  • Dear SR
    Please do post the letter to the group site.I would certainly like to act on it.
    The case of Thoongum Thamilar is definitely something to be bothered about.The sad situation that prevails in Cauvery is another example.
  • Great job!!. I need more info on the tamil's history

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