Just now I came across an interesting personality. I was crossing Nandanam Signal and noticed a short, slim person painted silver white with dhoti, shaven head, spectacles, walking stick with National flag (look-alike Gandhi) walking at brisk pace towards Chamiers Road.
I met him and here are the details:
His name is Diwakar Pillai and has commenced his padayathra from Kanyakumari to Kashmir for World Peace. Simple Man, no fanfare, not making any drama quietly pursuing his mission. He said that he is going to meet Mr.Kalyanasundaram (one of the personal assistants of Mahatma himself) and with bubbling enthusiasm continued. I simply wished him good luck and was standing there watching him walking for world peace.
Thanks for sharing it good luck to this mordern day marcher
If I can stop one heart from breaking,I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching,Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin, Into his nest again, I shall not live in vain. Emily Dickinson