ponniyin selvan related details under one roof
  • > several inscriptions of PARTHIVENDRAN are found... But no proper explanation is furnished.

    Hi all
    we should open a folder in the group and have these details
    1. kalvetus of the real charecters( one or two important ones)
    2.photos of places involved and also a satellite picture of the locations for example kodi coast and lanka can be very illustrative of pungkuzhali's boat trips
    3. pictures of charecters
    4. maps

    I am sure Vijay can take care of the kalvettus and Sampath the sattelite pictures

    it would be most interesting for both exsisting and new members

  • Good idea. It would be great if we could have a wiki in the PSVP site by
    Thriu. I guess
    Thriu needs help with the website and if we could help improve it, guess it
    will become a
    great resource.

    Thiru, you are still working on the beta site, what help you need? can you
    list down, i will
    surely help this time :)
  • Siva,

    I tried the wiki model earlier and didn't work, unless members
    come forward there is no point in creating a wiki. Drupal is not that
    difficult, please look at http://beta.ponniyinselvan.in and see
    whether we can implement what Venkatesh mentioned, otherwise we can
    discuss and see how to implement those features.

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