  • Hello all!

    I had been a silent reader of the forum PSVP. Hadn't known about this
    Yahoo groups though. Great site this one. I am a regular reader of too (that was my entry point). Waiting for Gokul's Cerar
    Kottai, next episode.

    Got one question though. I am not able to register in the PSVP
    discussion forum. Are no more new users allowed? Or is there any other
    way to log in. Thanks.
  • Wow..GOod to hear that. Congrats Chandra..You are doing great.
    Most actively participating in REACH, Temple conservation, field
    trips, reaching media on conservation issues, blogging, seminar
    Great going Chandra...
    I think we can confer the title 'Seyal Puyal' to you too (After SPS -
    Seyal Puyal Sundar) :)

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