Yahoo India have featured our group in their newly started blogs..
  • I saw that couple of days back and I thought it was an advertisement.
    Nice work Chandra.

    On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 1:16 AM, Chandrasekaran
  • Dear REACH Chandra,
    when you wrote 'in red shades' I thought you meant
    that Sri Siva was wearing red dark glasses!
    ps I just joined the group

    > If you happen to log in through your link,
    you would
    > be seeing a fiercely carved Gajamukasuravada Iswarar Statue of
    > in red shades.. Click that link, you'll go to the newly developed
    > blogs.
    > Or
    > Here it is
    > Read and comment
    > Thanks
    > Chandrasekaran J

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