Trip to Thanjavur!!!!!!
  • Dear all,

    Our group has to make an immediate visit to the Great Temple of Thanjavur.....

    Please let me know who are all ready to join me!!!

    P.S: Im totally lost on seeing the vandalism!!


  • HI all

    as much as I m perturbed by the visuals of the big temple we need to
    remember the ASI is the best bet we have to preserve our heritage.
    its of no use to pull them into contreversies or discourage them.
    some of the jobs they have done are remarkable and that will preserve
    those monuments for a few centuries more.

  • Venket: I agree with you. What has happened cannot be reversed. It is
    better to interact with the seniors of the ASI, and make them commit
    more care, resources - financial, technical and manpower, and complete
    the restoration as quickly as possible. The contractor and his staff
    will need more guidance. I hope IIT expert committee will submit its
    report soon, instead of December.

    Negative publicity will make both ASI and the contractor defensive
    and will be counter productive.
  • I understand the frustration. But I don't think vandalism is an
    appropriate word to describe this situation. Vandalism is Willful, in
    this case it is not.
  • oops...yes...i understand...this is not vandalism....:(


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