Ponniyen Selvan
  • Hi,
    Does any one know in which publications we can get the novel Ponniyen Selvan that contains the images/pics that where printed in the serialised version of novel in the Kalki Magazine.
  • You can get those only from old book shops and lending libraries.

    On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 6:57 AM, rajesh balasubramanian
  • But, Can I get a new book with those images/pics.
  • Dear Rajesh,

    First of all, the paintings are copyrighted by Maniam and their
    family, nobody can use it without their permission. Second none of the
    books published so far printed with any type of pictures except on the
    cover which is again not from the serialized Kalki magazine.

    Please do a search on our site http://www.ponniyinselvan.in or on
    google for further information.
  • Thanks Thiru for your input.

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