Mahatma Gandhi
  • Drishtti pattu pochu !!

    On not on topic related to MK G...

    all our hands together to carry on further..
  • Hi

    While on gandhi we should talk about kalki's connection with him.

    kalki's greatest contribution to general writing was the translation
    of " my experiments with truth" into tamil

    kalki was also a member of gandhi ashram at thiruchengode editing
    their prohibition journal. some of kalki's nice short stories came in
    that short lived magazine.
    while kalki wanted to participate in the dandi or atleast its
    southern equivalent the vedaranyam march he was put in charge of the
    vimochanam magazine at the ashram by rajaji.
    kalki disobeyed his mentor, closed down the magazine and instead
    printed anti british pamphlets.
    kalki was the very few chosen for the 'thani nabar sathyagraha' for
    which one had to have a written permission from gandhi.the same day
    he broke his links with anandavikadan or ss vasan made him do so.

    could somebody tell us about gandhi and gandhism in kalki's writing.?

  • >
    > kalki's greatest contribution to general writing was the translation
    > of " my experiments with truth" into tamil

    Can you elaborate type of contribution he has done for the translation
    ? Writing, proof reading, etc.,?

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