Contributions of agathiyam
  • It is really painful to hear from Dr.JB that he is a lone ranger with
    agathiyam. His total dedication for this work - inspite of physical
    constraints - is something we all need to observe and take note of.
    There were efforts long back to cull out all the information from the
    archives of agathiyam and form a website. I don't think this fully matured.

    For our group atleast, there are people like suji - who spend long hours,
    getting the gist out of archives.

    If Dr.JB wishes, we will take out all the history related stuff from
    agathiyam, translate it and host it in PS and varalaaru website. What else
    we young guys can do for a man who has spent considerable portion of his
    life - sharing his amazing range of knowledge for the benefit of all ?

    The contributions of agathiyam to the tamil community at large is
    immeasurable.Time will prove their worth.

  • S Gokul... I am here always at this service...

    And..... Could u tell me something about 'Agathiam'?... I have zero knowledge on this...

  • Hi Suji,

    Pl visit

    This is also an yahoo group like ours - started by Dr.Jayabarathi(JB)

    It is one of the pioneering tamil groups in which you will find lots
    lots of very interesting discussions. Mostly, you will find many
    asking questions and Dr.JB answering them in great detail.

    The discussions cover a range of topics - religion(mainly), history,
    culture etc. Pl go through the archives - you will find very
    bits of information.

    Dr.JB, a doctor by profession - is a gentleman with multiple
    His reading is very wide and can almost discuss any topic without
    reference. He hails from singampunari in pudukottai dt - but spent
    better portions of his life in Malaysia.

    I don't have much info at hand to justify a full portrait of him - he
    written a lot, spoken in many places, participated in many tv / radio
    interviews and - what not ?

    Among the tamil egroups, Dr.JB is perhaps the most famous icon.

    His presence and participation in our group is a great blessing to us.

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