• hi sirs,

    old thread - on VD:

    note this reference from Epigrahica indica XVI...

    The princes called Vanada-Rayars were the lineal descendants of the
    Bana kings, who, in the earlier period of South Indian History, were
    the vassals of the Pallavas and ruled over the North Arcot District
    and portions of the Mysore Province ; their kingdom was known as
    Banappadi or Perumbanappadi. When the Pallavas were subverted by the
    Cholas, they became subordinates of the Cholas, and the Vanada-
    Rayars continued faithful to the latter till the reign of Kulottunga
    III. Rajaraja Vanakovaraiyan, alias Ponparappinan Magadaipperamal,
    one of the vassals of Kulottunga III, rebelled against bis suzerain
    and entered into political compacts with some southern petty
    princes. He drifted on to the south and appears eventually
    to have joined the Pandyas, who were thea growing in power and were
    soon to subvert the Chola supremacy during the reign of Rajaraja III
    and his son Rajendra-Chola III. The Vanada-Rayars continued to be
    friends and subordinates of the Pandyas till the Musalman invasion of
    Madura under Malik Kafur. When the Pandya king was taken prisoner
    and carried away by the Muhammadans(*******), the Vanada-Rayars took
    service under the Vijayanagara kings and ruled over the- Madura
    country. They were Vaishnavas in religion, and they gave donations,
    may be seen from their inscriptions, to the Vishnu temples at
    Alagarkoyil, Tiruppullani and Srlvilliputtur. Visvanatha-nayaka had
    evidently ousted the Vanada-Hayars from Madura and
    made it the capital of a kingdom which he formed from the districts
    of Madura and Tinnevelly and portions of the Travancore State.

    (********) ...pandya king taken prisoner??
  • >
    > (********) ...pandya king taken prisoner??
    > veera pandya was ruling in 1311 when malki came, and he escaped
    down south
    after malik left there were three claimants to the pandya throne.
    2 of them were already feuding( veera and sundara) so parakrama was
    chosen to rule.

    in the next invasion of the turks 10 years later parakrama was killed
    in the battle.

    the man who was taken prisoner was the warrangal raja prathapa rudra.
    he was the first owner of the kohinoor diamond. with itr and other
    treasures he bought peace from malik. however in the next invasion he
    was captured and died ont he way to delhi

  • This is very intersting ..

    may probably explain AZHWAR KUNDHAVAI also ..

  • >
    > And unfortunate that Malikgafur invaded Madurai at the request of
    > Veerapandia who sought this help to settle scores with his brother.
    > sps

    Hi venkat, while on this subject ( since its exactly the plot of
    your...), when is your `Madurai" sch to come out in tamil. the english
    version is quite fast paced and approach you have taken to show the
    two principal characters developing in each inerlacing chapter is
  • > Hi venkat, while on this subject ( since its exactly the plot of
    > your...), when is your `Madurai" sch to come out in tamil. the
    > version is quite fast paced and approach you have taken to show the
    > two principal characters developing in each inerlacing chapter is
    > wonderful.

    Hi Vijay
  • Wealth of collections.
    Dr.Jaybee - thamizhagam niRayavE kadamaipattuLLathu.

  • Thanks sps.

    Does some one know if Vanakovaraiyan(/r), Ponparappinan & Bana is the
    family title of the Chieftains (Kurunila Mannar?)/Dynasty who ruled
    MagadaiMandalam (NaduNadu) with it's head quarter at Aragalur (Salem
    District) on Vashista Nadi.

    Also, is VD (Vandiyadevan (Vallavarayan)) from this family/place?

  • Dear Mr. Elamurugu,

    Recalling your Arakalur mail.

    Banas - read more extensively on this..

    Am sure you will get the right leads.

    best wishes and greetings,


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