Ponniyin Selvan in Kalignar TV - Naga's interview
  • Hi Sirs,

    Thiru."Penathal" Suresh is a known name in tamil blogger world. He has
    had the privilege of having a quick chat with Mr.Naga during the
    shooting in Karaikudi.

    Please read on.

  • It was nice to know that many of us share the same sentiments about PS.

    A very difficult task for Naga. I wish him all success.
  • Dear Sudharshan,

    Whenver the subject of PS Serial in Klgnr TV is discussed, your
    posting the first Interview by Mr. Suresh on the sets also will be

    This is how History is being made ..

    Very nice.. thanks.

    Greetings., sps
  • Dear Sirs,

    Thank you very much for those kind words.

    It is a big ocean out here. I am just a kid trying to collect some
    small pebbles and shells in the shore.
  • Is it true that PS is coming om kalignar TV?. If it is so from when it starts ? who is making it etc.... And i have a humble opinion . If human beings are playing the roles of our PS it is some what difficult to fulfill our expectations. Now a film has released namely " Inime nanga dhan" an animation film. It was created fully by Mr. Venki who made the animations sessions for many of the Shankar's movies. If PS is made like that i hope it can reach our expectations to some extent i.e the charecters , the scenes, the situations etc ( for eg. nilavarai , sea and ship , RRC's behavior with elephants , pudhai kuzhi and so on ). It is not to discourage the persons who are involved in the creation . just another opinion thats all.

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