New 7 wonders
  • dear friends,
    who authorised this new 7 wonders site to select new 7
    i think UNESCO has dis owned them.
    who r they?
    they ask people to vote!! SMS poll?!
    why so?
    if at all new wonders to be selected they should be
    selected by independent expert panel and not by SMS
    if a wonder can be selected by SMS poll then even any
    body's house can become a 'wonder' by asking a billion
    indians to vote for it.
    it is nothing but a sheer commercial venture for which
    media added fuel to the fire.
    regards ,
  • Isn't it obvious that if they conducted SMS or email poll,
    no one in the world would beat India and China. This is
    pure business tactic by the group of mobile service providers
    and TV companies. Media did not add the fuel Ramnath, it was part of
    it. In another one month the web site itself may not be there??
  • Dear Siva
    Interesting you should mention that...the poll was not only on sms it was on the internet aswell....considering...Madurai,thanjavur were listed why didnt they pip the rest???
    do you think there were that many jordanians and incas who voted?
    I am glad that Ankorwat and taj made it to the finals and Taj does have that impact on people...worldwide...
    Media might have a say but if you read old quiz books they will list Taj and the great wall as wonders of the new world any way....
    If you read the write ups Stone Henge is said to be an engineering marvel.....a stone circle which no oone knows to day what it means it might have been an observatory! it might have been a place of worship....

    Has any of the write up about Bigtemple claimed it as an engineering marvel???forget the actual truth we dont even claim there were legends....
    If you see the national geograaphic they atleast attempt to think and analyse how the stones were transported and moved up...

    Dear SPS

    I know there is a lot of misinformation and our venture to remedy one has just gone off into long slumber the think we have to awaken it...I ll see what we can do

    Kind regards
  • Dear Sri,

    Just tell me what is the point in conducting a poll like this?? These
    wonders were in
    the world for hundreds of years and never failed in to make the people
    whoever see
    it spellbound. Why should a poll be conducted now? how transparent was
    the voting system? And who authenticates the result?

    As I could see, it is pure business and making money!!!!. I am not
    saying it bad, but we need not be that excited about Taj making it to
    the top.The best this could do is to make us a bit happy for a day or
    about the result.

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