happy birthday kalki
  • thanks for the great times you gave us

    about kalki

    Once in a century nature throws up a wonderman.
    His creativity captures the imagination of a generation or more.
    Was this creativy inborn or one that comes out of the churnings of
    history during his times, we may never know.
    But long after he is gone, his writings stand testimony to his ability
    to create people or incidents where there were none before.
    Kalki was such a man. Ironically his pen name indicated a destroyer of
    mythology, but a creator like him we rarely come across.
    And like a later poet would remark" because I create, I am god" kalki
    too defied human limits and his creations transcend time barriers.

    on this day we celebrate Kalki's creativity. and creativity only comes
    out of chaos- where barriers and restrictions are seldom present.
    where we are free to speak what we want.
    And only that would help us awaken in kalki's world.

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