  • Hearty Congratulations to all whose efforts made this possible. A wonderful
    start to what will hopefully be a joyous journey of discovery and learning.
    I only wish I had been able to contribute in some small way. Would it be ok,
    if I could come up with a more elaborate write-up on Raja-Raja Chozhan?
  • Dear Arun and All
    We do welcome articles from all of you as for as for RRC I have chnaaged the complete write up which Vijay will upload over this weekend have a look and do your write up
  • Ah, the SITE!

    I was told that in olden days our temples used to be the center of
    most social acitivies of the local populace.Likewise I wish our site
    could be the corner stone of all activities related to sub-
    continental history which my generation has been denied thus far.

    Recording history in a written form was something the Indian
    civilisation picked up very late.Come to think of it! We rely on
    Chinese pilgrims notes to know more about Asoka,Harsha et all.

    The same Chinese who were enriched by Indian influence over them for

    Raja Raja, in my opinion, changed it all so dramatically while
    attempts by Asoka,Samudra and other great kings did not really
    succeed to the desired extent.The inscriptions of Asoka are more like
    dictates to his subjects and officers while a few inscriptions of
    Guptas are records of conquests and contributions to temples.

    I hope we come out with more products from the group, a CD on Big
    Temple for instance.It would be a fitting tribute to the Cholas if we
    could release the CD and the grand,
    sites for the next Sadhayam.

    The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep

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