• Dear Vijay / Arvind -

    Was talking to Dr. RN a couple of days back and he pointed out from an acclaimed recent Publication on Art & Architecture - there are some avoidable errors.

    Lalithangura Pallava Graham : as mentioned means HOUSE OF PALLAVA

    The inscription mentions this as LALITHANGURA PALLAVESWARA GRAHAM -
    House of Eswara - whom Pallava worship - Abode of Shiva !!

    Even in our Group quoting several Scholars - we have been mentioning Trichy rockfort rockcut temple as Lalithangura Pallava Graham - several times earlier. When others refer to these matters they are also misguided on these.

    Art Writers may remember this kind of errors and try to project appropriately after checking with Original sources.. whenever possible.

    Arvind Venkatraman could have made a mention of POETRY IN STONE - which would have drawn still more viewers through his Interview.

    I agree - Art appreciators are need not be Research Scholars.. !! yet while going public - creating blogs / writing books - may remember that these materials are often referred to by several others - including research students for reference.

    very best wishes, sps
  • Dear Sir,
    I did mention Poetryinstone, PonniyinSelvan, Tamil Heritage Group. The article was prepared by TOI and published. I did not even know that it was being published today.
    They had also not mentioned my Picasa album.
    Thanks for your support and wishes.

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