Dear Vairam Congrats Dear SPS Will be in Madras between 11th to 28th july so will be keen to meet all the friends Sri
If I can stop one heart from breaking,I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching,Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin, Into his nest again, I shall not live in vain. Emily Dickinson
Dear Members! It was a great effort by SPS and others. Congrats. But the session couldnt be more interactive due to time and space constraint. Many Qns i think were left as qns themselves. I was particularly not satisfied by the discussion on Karuvurar, for I felt the speakers dealt more on identity of the painting- identification, but the qn of contemporariness of Karuvurart and RRC went unaddressed. Hope the issue is discussed in detail at least in the forum Ramachandrasekhar
yes Ramachandrasekhar the only target of historians is about the painting. if karuvurar is not discussed its certainly not about the paucity of time. i was particularly perturbed when karuvarar was just described as a poet who imagined it all. the first recognition to periya koil or GKC is that they too were sung about in the thirumurais though not in the devaram. and karuvurar was solely responsible for it.
surely if we read the lines of his thiruvisaipa we could gather more details. just because he is not mentioned in the edicts doesnt mean he is not a contemprory.
people go out of their way to dissuade us from thinking he was a contemprory, even in this forum we have had discussion when we were told because he had sung about thirubuvanam( built by rrcs grandson) he couldnt be a contemprory,in fact that seemed to have firmed up the opinion agains the saint. but a reading of thiruvisaipa would clear the doubt. it was about thirupoovanam near madurai that he sang about. venketesh
Princes whose royal umbrellas are like the clusters, Of kongu-flowers, throng the streests, Of walled Thanjavur dight with lofty mansions And as their crowns rub one another, Rubies aplenty fall from them An incarnadine radiance mantling the city Lo, the crescent in the matted crest of the Lord Forever diffuses a cool luculence So, what may the import be of the act of the Lord That rides an argent Bull And goes in a procession - shaded by A margaritaceous umbrella Whence issues a silvery white lusture Like unto moon light?
Pl compile, for the benefit of members, all the information about Karvurar (traditions, literature references, inscriptions etc)and post them one by one. Then we can discuss the problem again.
This link wil give some information on Zen Buddhism founde by Bodhidhaarma, the Pallava prince. This Religious Schools or monastries exisy even this day.
I request the members to inform the father of vijalaya chola or who ruled chola kindgom just before vijalya cholar. I need this information urgently for my writings.
வரலாற்று வேங்கை டாக்டர் எல். கைலாசம் முகப்புத்தகத்தில் (பயந்து விடாதீர்கள் facebook தான்) உறுப்பினர்களாக இருப்பவர்களுக்கும் புதிதாகச் சேருபவர்களுக்கும் சில சலுகைகள் தரலாம் என நினைகின்றேன்.
நான் புத்தகம் எழுதியவுடன் முகப்புத்தக நண்பர்களுக்கு, அவை மின்னனு வடிவில் பெருமையுடன் அனுப்பப்படும். புத்தகத்தை மேம்படுத்தி தருபவர்களின் பெயர்கள் புத்தகத்திலும் குறிப்பிடப்படும். அது தவிர புத்தக வெளியீட்டு விழாவில் அவர்களுக்கு முன்னுரிமை தரப்படும். இந்த மாதம் இறுதி வரை சேரும் நண்பர்களுக்கு இந்தச் சலுகை தரப்படும். அனைவரையும் சேருமாறு கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறேன் வரலாற்று வேங்கை டாக்டர் எல். கைலாசம் facebookல்சேருங்கள். தங்கள் அன்புள்ள வரலாற்று வேங்கை டாக்டர் எல். கைலாசம்
Excellent You feel a detail cost analysis of the chain has to be made inorder all to get benefits. However what is the security available if the books are published in the electronic media. Is it possible to take a copy of the same and make it printable? Please clarify sundar can also suggest some ways Yorus Dr L Kailasam
Reply to chola origins by jim_beam Kulothanga chola1 was none other than grandson of rajendra1 born to one of his daughters who married narendra king of vengi who is son of vimaladitya and kundavi sister of rajendra so he is almost two thirds tamil .After thedeath of his maternal uncle virarajendra and death of his cousin adhirajendra, kulothunga was next in line and was crowned emperor, you must remember all of rajendra “s sons died in the battlefield sometime or the other. Vengi was latter ruled by kulothungas cousin or brother I do not exactly remember his name, whose successors could have been called telugu cholas .Again tigers not present in tamilnadu is a stupid argument because in those times tiger could have been there and even now we have tigers in sathyamangalam and muthumalai forests .The segregation of the present day communities like thevars ,kallars gounders and mudaliars came much latter. Even now in srilanka in Jaffna the predominant community is called only vellalars but some of them have surname called pillays so I feel one community could have segregated into several subcommunities which could have evolved a separate identity for themselves in the passing years .so I personally feel claiming cholas were kallars will not be correct . I don’t think there is any direct historical evidence to say that. it is just like yadavars claiming lineage of krishna
Dear AllWishing you and yours a properous 2012Sri and Family
If I can stop one heart from breaking,I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching,Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin, Into his nest again, I shall not live in vain. Emily Dickinson
Dear ChandraReally impressed great work and I am sure more to comeKRSri
If I can stop one heart from breaking,I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching,Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin, Into his nest again, I shall not live in vain. Emily Dickinson
Adi Kumbeswarar is the presiding deity of the temple and the shrine is located in the centre. Kumbeswarar is in the form a lingam believed to have been made by Shiva himself when he mixed nectar of immortality and sand. Manthrapeeteswari Mangalambika is his consort and her shrine is present parallel to the left of Kumbeswarar shrine. The Pangudi Uttiram Festival is impoart to the Goddess Mangalambigai. On that day the Float festival is performed in the Mahamaham Tank
Dear All, Vanakkam, We All very much shocked & hurt on seeing the message of Mr.J.Chandrasekaran , criticising Mr.Vasanthakumar as "GajiniMohammed",[],Here by,We CONDEMN his writing, & personal attack, We all know his[Chandra] ability& action in renovation of temples, He has to apologise,
K.G. Krishnan, Northern Book Centre, 2002, xx, 152 p, plates, ISBN : 8172111290, $66.00
"The seal presented overleaf was used by the Pandyas on the seals soldered to the rings holding the sets of copper-plate charters issued by them. They show the tiger, the fish and the bow which are really emblems of the Chola, the Pandya and the Chera kings. It does not indicate the position regarding the supremacy of one over the other two, though it is usually interpreted to mean that, if it is also supported by any internal evidence. A legend, not shown here, is used to be written around these figures stating that the edict was issued by one of the three powers. Refer No. 90 verse 28 in text translation and note on p. 97. See also No. 61 in this case where such a statement is made in respect of the Pandyas.
No. 7, Velvikudi plates of Neduncheliyan (line 67 and corresponding translation) refers to the fact of all these symbols of chilai (bow), puli (tiger) and kayal (fish) having been engraved by the Pandyas on the slopes of the Himalayas. The truth seems to be that the seal was in fact that of the three Tamil kings who are collectively referred to in the Hathigumpha inscription of Kharavela (Ep. Ind., XX, pp. 72 ff.) as a confederacy of Tamil kings, obviously Chera, Chola and Pandya kings. It is possible that the Tamil kings operated as one against all non-Tamil sovereigns. See also note 1, p. 4 in K.G. Krishnan, memoir No. 79, Karandai Tamil Sangam copper-plates of Rajendra-Chola I." (jacket) “*Here the language of stone surpasses the language of man*” – Nobel laureate, Rabindranath Tagore
Since we all know Book Fair is going in Chennai ever year. This year (2013) book fair will be @ YMCA Ground, Royapettah High Road from Jan 11 to Jan 23. I would like to share this happy news to all of our friends.
Dr. M. Rajendran, I.A.S., has written a book on Pandiyar Copper Plates and it is released tomorrow (12.1.2013) at 1 PM in the Stall No. 547 and 548 of the Book Fair, YMCA, Nandanam.
The Book is released by Dr. Avvai Natarajan and received by Dr. T. Sathyamurthy Founder Trustee of REACH FOUNDATION, ASI Superintending Archaeologist Dr. Maheswari and State Archaeology Commissioner Dr. Vasanthi.
In this book, 27 Pandiyar Copper Plates are elaborately explained.
The author had already done a book on 19 Cholar Copper Plates. Both the books are published by Akani Pathippagam, 3, Padasalai Street, Ammayapattu, Vandavasi. Chola Copper Plates has 322 pages (Rs. 250/-) and Pandiyar Copper Plates has 350 pages (Rs. 300/-). Contact Number is 9444360421 (Mr. Murugesh)
In the 36th Chennai Book Fair my books Malarcholai mangai, Manimakudam, kayal, suthanthira sirpigal will be available at the�- Vanathi publications Stall No 471-472�and few other book stalls too� Kindly avail the discount given by vanathi publications.�
Kindly inform your opinion after reading my kaviyangal (books)
Thanks for your honest review. Though I am yet to see it, from what the subject seems to be, I tend to agree with you.
As to your question on Why this movie was made?.. and how this is going to matter to the C center, or for that matter to anyone who seeks a relief from reality and get refreshed... its a tough question. ...but....perhaps it was not meant to address these folks. The real audience might be Hollywood producers. ;)
But your review was good enough to be an anti-depressant.. brought laughter, at your seemingly answer-less questions... especially the "national anthem" part... hilarious :)