Hello All, I am a Catholic from Sri Lanka. Probably I may be a better person to give an extenal view of this. 01) It dosent matter to whom this temple or treasures belong to. That is imaterial 02) what ever that has been found in the vault why do people have to look at it as GOLD, SILVER, DIAMONDS
and etc ?? Why are u people looking at it only by the material value ?? 03) there are things that are more valuable than GOLD SILVER AND DAIMONDS. It is called HERITAGE 04) do anyone understand the word HERITAGE I doubt not. 05) what ever that has been found in the temple is OUR HERITAGE. Whether we belong to Bhrath or not,
whether we are hindus, chiristian or muslims. This is a part of the heritage of our land. 06) these treasures are not valued in material value they should be valued agaisnt our history. This is a part
of our history which we ahve to be proud of. 07) I am sure each of these pieces will bear evidence for our past history.
eg: what dose the coins of Naploeaninc era say >>> defiently they say there was a rich trade between
europe and us. Is it only that ?? No it says that we were producing good and they were depended on us
to purchase it. similarly if properly analysed each will bear evidence to our glorious past. 08) but unfortunately some IDIOTS only think of their stomach and talk tell give this to the poor !!!! and some
say develop the country with this money 09) how were u guys planing to develop this country prior to finding these ?? 10) 2G spectrum it is said the scandal is worth 1 lakh crore almost equivaent to this treasure, why dont u guys find that lost money and use it for poverty and development 11) some reports say Indians have more money in the swiss accounts putting rest of the whole world together.
Why dont u get those money and use it for the poor 12) why do u want to destroy our HERITAGE. 13) because for those who want to use this wealth is trying to find easy options. U guys are not bothered to get
those hidden money in swiss account why bother when u can destroy our heritage. 14) and worse part is some one here says to auction these………… My foot. can I ask u some thing. Whos is going
to evaluate the real value ?? what are they goign to do with what they ahve bought ?? melt it ?? I am sure u
wont be bothered because all what u r bothered is making money and eating it ? who is goign to buy it ??
Indians……….. if so why cant u get that money from those indians and use it for the poor and development ????
aha u mean it will be bought by the westerns ?? that mean u guys want to self our heritage and history to
westerners ??? if money is so important why not sell ur own wife, mother, sister
and daughter ?? I am sure u will get more money to give the poor and to
infastructure development!!!! 15) some one here have said this money is from the tax and gifts to the king and the temple. So what. All over the
world all the governments levied taxes. All over people give money to temples and churches. Who many preserve it ?? 16) so some have asked why to keep it locked up ?? Do u know the meaning of national wealth ?? I would of course
like to have a high security museum and for people like us to come and admire it and know our glorious past.
Trust me my friend u will make more money from tourist on the long run than this wealth.while retaining this as well. 17) why are u people now very concerned about this wealth ? did any one of u know about it till 27th of june ? 18) I am sure many of u know about the Big temple in Tanjore. In there there is inscriptions to say how much of gold
and jewllery was given by Rajaraja cholan and his sister and wife to the temple what has happened to all those welath ??
at least here the Majarajah’s preserved it 19) let me come to a recent news item. How many of u guys know that many of the rare jewellery give
to Thirupathy by then Emperor Krisnadevarayar had gone missing !!!! and it is said that they melted
it to make new jewellery. I think that is a cock and bull story. Thrupathy ahve enough new gold to make jewellery
there was no need to melth these perhaps some one in-charge made a good use of it. And mind u guys it was rare
antique jewellery. How many of u have made noise over it? what action ahve been taken towards it ?? nothing isnt it.
atleast here these have been preserved for 100s of years. 20) I am sure the Travancore royal house was aware of the wealth in it. May not be exact amount but I am sure they knew
all the riches that was there. But they havent touched them. That shows their intergrity and honesty. Had they done this upto now I am sure they will do it for another 1000 years too.
the maharajas of travancore have used the wealth within the chambers once. when their country was in economic doldrums. was it just a co incidence that cp ramasami iyer joined as a legal consultant just before that removal and later when cp became diwan, was a knowledge of this wealth that prompted him to seek independence for travancore venketesh
Hi we all have a short memory span the kings of travancore were just as selfish as the nizam of hyderabad or the nawab of junagadh during independence times. the congress was really ineffective in kerala at that time. it was th comunists ho fought tooth and nail for integration with india. one of them even stabbed the prime minister CP. only aftter a lashing from sardarpatel did the king withdraw his unilateral declaration of independence. its their luck that history treats them better than the other reluctant kings
But we come back to the situation with Sir CP – Quoting Outlook An equally threatening problem was posed by the continuing defiance of the recalcitrant princes. Though relatively smaller, the coastal state of Travancore became more vociferous than others in demanding independence. Its veteran, authoritarian Dewan, Sir C.P. Ramaswami Aiyer, knew that with direct access to the sea (unlike Hyderabad and Kashmir) and a valuable export trade, a source material for the atomic fuel thorium ( and traces of Uranium) heightened his bargaining position. An export agreement with Britain for monazite had been signed.
As Guha says in a Hindu article -He established secret ties with senior Ministers of the British Government, who encouraged him in the hope that he would give them privileged access to monazite, a material Travancore was rich in and which could give the British a lead in the atomic arms race. Also egging on Travancore’s bid for independence was Mohammed Ali Jinnah. On June 20, 1947, Jinnah wired Iyer to say that Pakistan was “ready to establish relationship with Travancore which will be of mutual advantage”. The Dewan replied that since his State was taking steps to “maintain herself as an independent entity”, he proposed that a treaty be signed between the “independent Sovereign State” of Travancore and the Government of Pakistan. To further increase his influence, C.P. Ramaswamy Iyer, allowed the minerals attaché of the US Embassy to survey the region's monazite sands in the hopes of attracting bids from US firms for concessions.
But we come back to the situation with Sir CP Quoting Outlook An equally threatening problem was posed by the continuing defiance of the recalcitrant princes. Though relatively smaller, the coastal state of Travancore became more vociferous than others in demanding independence. Its veteran, authoritarian Dewan, Sir C.P. Ramaswami Aiyer, knew that with direct access to the sea (unlike Hyderabad and Kashmir) and a valuable export trade, a source material for the atomic fuel thorium ( and traces of Uranium) heightened his bargaining position. An export agreement with Britain for monazite had been signed.
As Guha says in a Hindu article -He established secret ties with senior Ministers of the British Government, who encouraged him in the hope that he would give them privileged access to monazite, a material Travancore was rich in and which could give the British a lead in the atomic arms race. Also egging on Travancore's bid for independence was Mohammed Ali Jinnah. On June 20, 1947, Jinnah wired Iyer to say that Pakistan was "ready to establish relationship with Travancore which will be of mutual advantage". The Dewan replied that since his State was taking steps to "maintain herself as an independent entity", he proposed that a treaty be signed between the "independent Sovereign State" of Travancore and the Government of Pakistan. To further increase his influence, C.P. Ramaswamy Iyer, allowed the minerals attaché of the US Embassy to survey the region's monazite sands in the hopes of attracting bids from US firms for concessions.
I think we are discussing 2 different issues here. One the simplicity and valour of the royal family, upholding the tradition, simplicity etc versus their reluctance to the surrender of their independence. I feel that these 2 issues are interlinked unnecessarily. But while discussing about Brahadambal Dasas we didnot say that they were the first one to amalgamate to the new union & praise them and instead discussed about the kings marriage scandals.
so what if we are discussing 2 issues? as long as both of them are historical
when the interview of marthanda varma was discussed he talks about being a member of the indian army as well people interested in history have a right to know the history of the state too. more patriotic people - some 1000 of them died when travancore was integrated. we need to know comparable figures for goa and hyderabad as well.
bragadamba das and molly fink was mentioned in the passing because it was the most interesting thing that happenned in the pudukottai family for a long time.
for the matter 95 percent of the time we are discussing things alien to ponniyin selvan and kalki for which we have gathered. anything historical is welcome here.
there are some events which we need to see to complete the picture the following is from author Emily Gilchrist Hatch, who was in Trivandrum in 1933, in her book, Travancore: A guide book for the visitor (Oxford University Press, 1933)
The 1930s were difficult times. The princely state Travancore, like the rest of India, was facing an economic depression. Revenues had fallen and the prices of agricultural produce had come down. It was in these difficult times that Sree Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma was invested with ruling powers, T. Austin, an Englishman, succeeded Subrahmanya Aiyar as Dewan, and C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar was appointed legal and constitutional adviser to the Travancore government.
On Sunday, December 6, 1931, around 10 a.m., at an auspicious time chosen by the temple officials, one of the vaults was opened.
There was a wooden chest fixed to the ground, and it had six chambers. In it were jewels with diamonds, rubies, emerald and other precious stones. In addition, there were over 300 gold pots and four vancheds, or coffers. By 3.30 p.m., the operation was stopped and the vault sealed. The four vancheds were taken to the Chellavagai, or palace treasury, "for counting and valuation However, in 1932, when the Dewan recalled the important events of the preceding year in his annual address to the Sri Mulam Popular Assembly, one of the two legislatures in Travancore then, there was no mention of any treasure being taken from the temple or used. during integration process travancore police were extremely high handed and though official count is around 230 dead there were more casualities. cp objected to joining india because USSR had established diplomatic relations with it(?) he opened negotiations with pakistan and letters from jinnah are in public domain. it is reported that an angry nehru threatened to bomb trivandrum. finally mountbatten won peace. sardar and nehru finally had their way. venketesh
VenkatHeard Goa and Kanchi are ready can I buy them as autographed copies pleaseSri
If I can stop one heart from breaking,I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching,Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin, Into his nest again, I shall not live in vain. Emily Dickinson
ungalukkellam sollamalaa? no way. i am as stuck as ever in those two books. but luckily am working hard on an english book called 'DAMNED' on madurai naiks
What exac tly the issue? They never claimed that they did not know. ( even the interview mentions that they know abou it) The good part it they did not move that to their palace before amalgamation is important.
why should there be an issue at all we are spreading information i too was blank about the recent travancore issue till this episode. this has enabled me to learn so much interesting facts about travancore history
i think the amalgamation was unexpected. cp must have shored up their hopes but even then much of the nizams treasure was nationalised. the same thing would have happenned to this too. even now the royals are very care ful( and bless them for it) that this wealth is not theirs. only it being reassured that the temple owns it would save it the last days leading to the amalgamation must have been so interesting.
I only want to differentiate the 2 things but not arguing about the amalgamation issue. What ever you say about that is right.
using temple property during emergency is referred in 2 epigraphs. One a 12th C Pandyan one near Madurai, which mentions about the returning them when the times were good.
another one in Alangudi where the jewels were used to perform some yagnas for the welfare of Rajadhiraja, when he was wounded in a battle.
Hi we are not justifying or otherwise the 2 episodes you are mentioning are very interesting similarly scriptures seemed to have been quoted in 1908 or so when the chambers were sought to be opened. but there were live cobras within the chamber and the doors were sealed very fast
amongst kingdom temple relationships i think travancore and ananthapadmanabasamy temple were the closest. the line between them was very fine indeed. i think the kings of pudukottai were not so serious about it. marthanda bairava for instance lived in australia most of his life . racing and wining and dining and literally emptied the treasury before the british forced him to abdicate venketesh