Though i have visited many temples prior to Ramayanam series, they were mostly of religious nature. Visiting them ( both fresh visit and temples visited earlier) is a different experiance.
Thiruvaleeswaram, Gopurappatti, Koliyanur or any other temple - even the sembianmadeveeswaram of korattur.
People ( both Gurukkal and devotees refer it as - This was built before Tanjore Big temple. The reference is always big temple. ( those people might not have even seen big temple) - whether Kanchipuram or Tirunelveli or Trichy - It is always big temple.
That pride should be rekindled, educated and then we need to bring community ownership on the local temple.
many dont understand sembian madevi when you tell her name but call her RRC's Grand mother, they listen. - or Rajadiraja as his grandson.
Same - Aditya is his ellu thatha ( Grand fathers' Grand Father) or Koulothunga - His great grand son. This is how they understand.
H.G.Wells in his outline of World History Says that " when we were all living like barbarians, there was Emperor Asoka, who was inspired by Buddhism laid down arms for the cause of World Peace, after winning his Kaliga War." Quote from memory. Nehru adored Asoka and eulogised him in his " Discovery of India ". Later he went along to adopt Asoka Chakra in our national flag. Asoka's world famous icon ' The pillar with four lions as our national Icon Alexander the great is still remembered for his valour, values, and a professional out , under the guidance of an eminentphilosopher scientist, organise a professional army of 30,000 soldiers grafted from Persia which fell to him, his first major victory. He was not an Ashoka, but he had democratic ways. He always tok every step cautiously, as Plutarch wrote of him.
Napolian, a soldier. who rised to lead France, freeing his people from the feudal Monarchy, which lead to a great awakening all over Europe and American continent, a new vison of people's power.
These heroes will be rememnered as long as mankind lasts on this planet.
Very true. The west always perceives and preches that whatever they have is the best and whatever east have is worst.
Whole world knows about Alexander..the area conquered by Alexander might be vast, but what about the population..most area must have been deserts..
Meanwhile, Chengishhan or even our always had (and has)the largest population at any given time. Think of the population of Ashoka...I think no ruler in the world, at any point in the history would have ruled over such a huge population. But even within India, many might not know about Ashoka. Forget the west...
Talking about RRC and the 1000th year celebration...morning saw a news and inteview of dancer Padma Subramaniam. Its great that 1000 dancers are assembling from all over the country to take part in it. Definitely a festive mood...
But 1000 years back, we had 1000 dancers permanently in the big temple premises to perform on a daily basis (thalicheri pendir) with the rules and regulations laid out for replacement dancer in case any one wants to leave.
Only Indian Emperor who has successfully carried out an expedition to the Far East and also ruled the foreign countries is our Great Emperor Raja Raja Chozha's son Emperor Rajendra Chozha.
But the Indian Government is not recognising the truth.
Actually for the Chennai Airport it would have been more appropriate to named after Emperor Rajendra Choza.It is the exact tribute to the Great Emperor who has ruled the South Asia almost 1000 years ago.
Alexander fell ill with fever and died even before he could return, after making a truce with Porus the Indian emperor. He was 32 years of age when he died.
Even after his death, hjs deputies were ruled his empire from Egypt to Kabul auotonomusly, and later independently.
But then what about Asoka of Bharathvarsha and Napolian the modern hero.
P.S. I give my earlier message for reference
To: Date: Sunday, 19 September, 2010, 4:12 PM
Sir, it all depends on the perspective we view/.
H.G.Wells in his outline of World History Says that " when we were all living like barbarians, there was Emperor Asoka, who was inspired by Buddhism laid down arms for the cause of World Peace, after winning his Kaliga War." Quote from memory. Nehru adored Asoka and eulogised him in his " Discovery of India ". Later he went along to adopt Asoka Chakra in our national flag. Asoka's world famous icon ' The pillar with four lions as our national Icon Alexander the great is still remembered for his valour, values, and a professional out , under the guidance of an eminentphilosopher scientist, organise a professional army of 30,000 soldiers grafted from Persia which fell to him, his first major victory. He was not an Ashoka, but he had democratic ways. He always tok every step cautiously, as Plutarch wrote of him.
Napolian, a soldier. who rised to lead France, freeing his people from the feudal Monarchy, which lead to a great awakening all over Europe and American continent, a new vison of people's power.
These heroes will be rememnered as long as mankind lasts on this planet.
> Napolian, a soldier. who rised to lead France, freeing his people from the feudal Monarchy, which lead to a great awakening all over Europe and American continent, a new vison of people's power.
sir,napoleon did not free the country from monarchy. it was the people themself. he was briefly arrested for conspiring against the revolution also. he was suffering from variety of psychological problems including paranoia about his first wife. he ran his own news paper to falsify his campaign in egypt as success.napoleon was responsible for the death of 5 lakh young french soldiers in the name of war against russia, austria and egypt. he had him crowned himself by the pope as emperor -a post revolution strived to abolish. this kind of misadventures are proverbialy known as "bonapartism".
jawaharlal nehru has not eulogised alexander and has called him as an overambitious and misguided youth. nehru has also called rajendra a ruthless warrior and military expansionist.
it is possible nehru was wrong... but please read discovery of india once again.
> Except in one's own homeland; Genghis Khan is considered a hero and a sort of "father of the nation" figure in Mongolia. > > Actually, the Mongol empire is quite admirable: > 1. Very large, much more stable than Alexander's conquests > 2. Appropriated the meritocracy of the Chinese (one of their greatest generals, Subotai, was born a blacksmith) > 3. Very tolerant towards different religions - Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Tao, Confucianism and others all coexisted with the native animism of the Mongols themselves. > 4. One of the first big mail systems in history > 5. And their most elaborate boast of all: "An old woman carrying a sack of gold can go from one end of the Empire to the other with no fear" > sir, chengis khan is only recently potrayed in good light by historians( mostly from US). this is attributed to the new raise of chinese economy and its psychological fear among americans about asians.
but it is possible he was a good king. he united the entire land mass of eurasia(except india). gandhi
Hi, There are many kings across the world who are remembered after 1000 years
The rulers of Egypt and Mesopotamia, live through their written history. The period during which we do not have any recorded history. Here is an history from 3000 BC. Rameses II, Nefertari, Hamurabi (1750 BC) ( . Their works and their history lives on.
In terms of architecture, our structures are much smaller than the Pyramids or a Haig Sophia ( . Haig Sophia is still in worship by various religions and definitely an architecture marvel which predates most of the existing Indian Structures.
The kings specifically (apart from the pharos of Egypt) Julis Cesar Augustus Cesar King Constantine King Arthur (6th) Charlemagne (7th)
These folks are spoken not just because of Western influence, but they have left their mark in the history. There are many more European kings who are remembered for their contributions, post 10th century too, have not taken them into this list. I am sure if we dig into chinese history or Japanese history well, we will see many more great kings. These nations have recorded history much earlier than what we find in India.
Your post is ecellent . But I refrain from placing my vie points. with due respect to the request from Moderator to avotd for a while the subject of Emperors..