Me and My Friend went to Kanchipuram by two wheeler, while we crossed Vandavasi and gone for some 10 kms we found a board on to our left indicates " GANGAI KONDA CHOLESWARAR KOVIL SELLUM VAZHI". We both never know that there is a temple in this name, is in this place. So we decide to visit the temple, some 1 kms inside that village (I forget the village name). The temple construction made by stone, in that some parts are totally damaged and it is been renovated by tamilnadu archeology department. There is a board of that department says the temple is built by Guru of Rajendra Chola - I.
I am so much interested to know more history about this temple. If anybody know please share with me. My Mail id is
Dear Sir, The temple is in Kulambandal. This temple was initiated by Isana Siva Bhattar, the rajaguru of Rajaraja and Rajendra. I have just posted photos in my picasa, thanks to Ashok. ( The temple is under the maintenance of ASI. The lord here is called Gangai Konda Chooleswarar.
The Guru of Rajaraja Chola - 1, and of Rajendra Chola - 1 in his early years was Esaana Siva Pandithar. Subsequently possibly after the death of Esaana Siva Pandithar, we note Sarva Siva Pandithar was the Guru of Rajendra Chola - 1, as gleaned from the Thanjavur Rajarajaeswarem temple inscriptions.
Esaana Siva Pandithar built a Siva Temple named as "Easwaremudaiya Mahadevar Thirukkattrali" at a region which was named as "Gangaikonda Cholapuram" located at the present village of Kuulampanthal on the highway from Vanthavaasi to Kanchipuram. This is known from an inscription of Rajendra Chola - 1 dated A.D.1024 in this temple which states as ".....Essana Pandithar Kaaliyuur Koattaththu Paahur naattu Gangaikonda Cholapuraththu eduppiththa Thirukkattrali Easwaramudaiya Mahaathevar...."
But from a later inscription of this same king in the same temple dated A.D.1034 it seems the name of this region has been changed from "Gangaikonda Cholapuram" to "Vikkrama Cholapuram", probably to prevent confusion or to give more prominence to the new city of Gangaikonda Cholapuram built by him at Udaiyaar Paalayam.
Incidently it will be interesting to note the second Guru of Rajendra Chola - 1 too built a temple known as Rameeswarem Udaiyar temple at the village Eaithaar the present Esaalam near Villupuram. It is from here the great Essalam Copper Plates have been unearthed.
The Essalam copper plates refers as follows: "....Sri Rajarajachathurvedi mangalaththu pidahai 'Eaithaaril' nam Udaiyaar Sarva Siva Pandithar eduppiththu arulina Thirukkattrali Thiru Rameeswaramudaiya Mahathevarkku...."
So the temple you visited was most probably the Siva temple at the village Kuulampanthal built by Esaana Siva Pandithar
In fact the entire stretch of Kanchi to Vandavasi route has many temples like Kuranganil Mutram. There are few Jain temples also. Every 5 Kms we have an info board of a temple. I have seen only Kuranganil Mutram.
This route itself can form a tour. Simillarly from Wandiwash to Thellar to Tindivanam also has many temples.
The Tamil jain temples are scattered in this territory. They look simillar to our temples.