Excellent analysis. It almost reflects nagasamy view that the dravidian came from Indus valley. Your conclusion may be correct. However expert in our group has to make further analysis. Regarding calling tamil speaking group as Pandi by our Keralite brothers I have no information why they are calling as Pandi. If any body supplies I will be more happy
>Excellent >analysis. It >almost reflects >nagasamy view >that the dravidian >came from Indus >valley. Your >conclusion may be >correct. However >expert >in our group has >to make further >analysis. >Regarding calling >tamil speaking group as Pandi by our Keralite brothers >I have no information why they are calling as Pandi. >If any body supplies I will be more happy
it is because of the kollam-senkottah pass. there were contacts and trade between this two sides. oneside pandiyas and the otherside the venad dynasties. they both had a collateral dynasty during the 1100 AD. pandians were liked by the venad (southernkerala)people for the protection they gave during the war with cholans.
At the time ofUllug Khan ( Later Mohmed bin Tuglaq)invasion, there were many small kings in Kerala, who were under Pandyas.
They recieved Lord Ranganatha andoffered him jwells to wear ( as he lost everything on the way) - mentioned in Thiruarangamn Ula. ( which closely followed Koil Ozhugu).
Can any one who are well versed in Koil Olugu confirm this.