Before Bhuddha there was no organised religion. Every where there was only sanatan Dharma ( which is called Hinduism today).
It is a rare combination of three bigschools ( which had some sub ideas) and all thrived together.
Advaita, Dwaitha and Vishistadvaitha ( The Acharyas like Sankara, ramanuja and madhwa only propagated those but not created those )
The Sub thoughts were like Sivadvaitha, kashmere saivom etc.
budhism resembles Advaitha but says there is zero ( soonya) at the end ( Advaita says infinity at the end - Poornam).
Bhudhism dosenot accepts god but that was its uniqueness. The moment they started building shirines was Bhuddha, it got merged with Hinduism and Hindus calling him the 9th avatar.
jainism is of the principle may be God or may not be. That is why we have scholars like Amaresan ( who worshipped saraswathi secretly. His Dictionary Amarakosam is truly secular) existed. Again because of this dilly dallying they were not too sure and it ended the religion when the slightest arrogance appeared.
All thereligions accept Karma and rebirth. ( I say about present Bhudhism)
Hence there is nothing left in oriental religions and the Hinduism allowed free debate.
There cant be anything which is not in hinduism which is not present in other religions.
Irrespective of whether Jesus visited or not India, there is nothing that he couldn't have told which is not in Hinduism. Even the much touted" I am the way, truth and life" is also a reflection of Krishnas assertiveness of " Maam ekam charanam vraja" . ( I am the only abolute refuge)
There are two different things about Christianity - Christianity and Churchianity- These Churchianity is the problem. Funnilly they call Hinduism as Brahminical religion and held by Brahmins.
Your mail is obviously very impressive and im sure your views are impressive as well. I think you are missing the point here. The question was whether "Jesus was in India or not". Its not about what Christianity or Churchianity has or had. Its certainly not about Buddhism or Jainism (why did that come in here?). Lets not change topics of threads. Lets keep them simple and straight.
Its interesting to note the places visited by Jesus.
recently therte was a big hoo Ha in UK stating Jesus came to the southwest coast of England to meet the pagan druids and there are believers to that theory...
If ypou google Jesus in India there are stories of him coming before attaining wisdom and also coming back after crucifixation and leaving a blood line.
I cannot get you the reference but there was an programme in national geographic about a tribe in the ladakh valley who had distinct red hair blue eyes contrasting with the mongoloid features seen in that part of the world.
They claim to be Jesus' descendants
Conspiracy theories galore only time will tell or will it?
I really wonder that is even possible for Jesus at 1 AD to have come to India half way across the world?? But taking another fact in to consideration, how authentic is the claim that Thomas came to India, Chennai and died here? Is there any real evidence to that news? My office is very near to St Thomas mount and this was a haunting question for which the net is not much use. There was a board outside the mount that says that apostle St Thomas was killed there, but it was very recently removed.
Just putting a simple logic, if Jesus had come to india as one book claims that there is no record for Jesus where he went for some 13 yrs (this number might be wrong) and he might have gone to india, he might have gave the direction to St Thomas.
2. It is not my statement but by vatican itself. VATICAN HAD CLEARLY STATED THAT ST THOMAS DID NOT VISIT INDIA.
3. You can search the net for St Thomas Myths and find it.
4. The Prsent day St thomas mount was Called bringimalai ( the mountain also was converted to Parangi malai)
5. There is a temple called nandeeswarar temple near St Thomas mt.
6. the inscriptions in the temple also states that.
7. HRCE dept also had a board in the temple stating that the malai nearby is Bringimalai. This board is missing now.
8. The St Thomas cathedral in santhome where the supposed remains of St Thomas is present is the original kapaleesawara temple of mylapore.
9. The temple was destroyed by portugeese and the church was built on it.
10. Till 20 years back the old temple was visible in the church and Dr Nagaswami had taken the copies and studied the epigraphs. Those are also missing now.
Dont worry. Sanatana Dharma will take care of itself and go to sleep. Keep hearing the stories of St Thomas meeting thiruvalluvar and inspired him to write Thirukkural. The Saiva siddantam also developed from his teachings. We will include this in the future history books which your great grand sons will read. Good night.
The Places you have mentioned all have deserts, very long one. Also the distance mentioned is linear (i believe). If you travel avoiding deserts the distance may become more than double! In addition, was he a saint then???!!!
remember this was not a new route. the silk route travelled thro it. alexander had travelled the same route some centuries back and of course the magi had travelled with gifts for new born christ in this way
> > 4. The Prsent day St thomas mount was Called bringimalai ( the mountain also was converted to Parangi malai)
thats another theory
wiki says its due to parangkikaai creepers in hill
i think firangi( the term in persian for european) was the reeason for etymology
> > 8. The St Thomas cathedral in santhome where the supposed remains of St Thomas is present is the original kapaleesawara temple of mylapore.
of coursse the original kapali was on the beach as late as arunagirinathar who describes the sea next to the temple
> > 9. The temple was destroyed by portugeese and the church was built on it. > > 10. Till 20 years back the old temple was visible in the church and Dr Nagaswami had taken the copies and studied the epigraphs. Those are also missing now. > > Dont worry. Sanatana Dharma will take care of itself and go to sleep. Keep hearing the stories of St Thomas meeting thiruvalluvar and inspired him to write Thirukkural. The Saiva siddantam also developed from his teachings. We will include this in the future history books which your great grand sons will read. Good night. > > > > regards > > sankar >
Hi, The book by Holger Kersten - "Jesus lived in India" is interesting. It was published in early 80's. His thesis was that Jesus lived in Kashmir post his resurrection. He details into the wounds typically inflicted during crucifixion, how it is possible for a person to survive without loss of major bones etc. He proceeds to discuss on the travel route, starts referring to various travel records at buddhist monastries. He also claims a site in Kashmir as his final burial place. It is an interesting read, though there are some supporting evidences to the thesis, this has not been acknowledged by the mainstream biblical scholars.
1. I Respect Jesus 2. There are so many saints /Rishis from Vedic period who attained enlightment directly and had commune with God. The Vedas themselves are not studied but learned by direct commune.They have given their knowledge to manndrasekara Bharathi....Chandrasekarendra Saraswathi swamiji........and the people who will arrive. 3. This is not the monopoly of Hindus. 4. Sages of all faith have attained this commune. 5. Jesus is one of them. ( I dont question whether he was there or not) 6. He might have come to India to Kashmir, to Kashi...even studied at Gandhar or may not. 7. May be a Hindu saint would have initiated him there as the roman empire was in constant touch with India. 7. I also believe that for such people the commune would have happened at Isrel itself and for them no teaching is necessary. 8. God appaers for all people who long for him sincerely. He dosenot check the background whether he is from India, africa etc or studied hinduism. 8.Jesus teaching is simillar to others. All preach the same good things. 6. Same respect to the great people of Islam
We only dont accept that this is the only way and all others will go to hell.
I dont accept that Hinduism has falsified path. I also dont believe that sanatan dharma will take care of itself, even after loosing Pak, Bangla, Kashmir and N.E. I will fight.
St Thomas may or may not have come to india. But this st thomas mt and mylapore cathderal is not true. Built on Hindu temple.
Our Seniors have discussed this elobarately in the forum. Go to archieves for further details. Let us move on to other topics.
I have heard one more - Paran giri malai along with the Birangi malai. I had earlier written about the Nandeeswarar temple dedicated to birangi muni, under St.Thomas mount territory, built by Aadhani chola (no idea who that is), but then that Aadhani puram supposedly became Aadhampakkam...
Just theories may be... but then some of our major beliefs come from bard's stories...
Well some do not even believe in the "historicity" of Jesus. Some claim "Jesus" was modeled after some Roman Emperor; some claim "Jesus" is an amalgamation of different personalities from that period. Most of the "history" is from the various gospels in Bible and elsewhere that were written, compiled and codified centuries after "Jesus" lived.
So having read all different theories or conspiracy theories, one would be curious to know which theories really make sense. So according to one school of thought, Jesus never existed. Another school claims Jesus existed. Another claims Jesus came to India studied Buddhism.
You ask some very important and good question. But your frame of reference is Indian way of looking at things. So is for the Indian Christians.
Unfortunately out in the West, some Churches simply can not accept that Jesus never existed or that he was not the son of God. Whether one wants or not the power structure surrounding Christianity will start crumbling. This is because it is highly organized, dogmatic and centralized.
There is a difference in how the East and the West views religion, dharma, spirituality etc. Hence, it is very difficult to understand each other.
Below is the extract from the biography of Vivekananda by swami nikhilananda.quoting some of the experiences of swami about jesus.. but interesting to know what page 118 and 119 say... here is the extract
"On board the ship the Swami had a significant vision. One night, somewhere between Naples and Port Said, he saw in a vivid dream a venerable, bearded old man, like a rishi of India, who said: 'Observe carefully this place. You are now in the Island of Crete. This is the land where Christianity began. I am one of the Therapeutae who used to live here.' The apparition uttered another word, which the Swami could not remember. It might have been 'Essene,' a sect to which John the Baptist belonged. Both the Therapeutae and the Essenes had practised renunciation and cherished a liberal religious outlook. According to some scholars, the word Therapeutae may be derived from the Buddhist word Sthaviraputtra or theraputta, meaning the sons or disciples of the Theras, or Elders, the superiors among the Buddhist monks. The word Essene may have some relation with Isiyana, meaning the Path of the Lord, a wellknown sect of Buddhist monks. It is now admitted that the Buddhists at an early time had monasteries in Asia Minor, Egypt, and generally along the eastern part of the Mediterranean.
The old man in the dream concluded his statement by saying: 'The truths and ideas preached by us were presented as the teachings of Jesus. But Jesus the person was never born. Various proofs attesting this fact will be brought to light when this place is dug up.' At that moment it was midnight the Swami awoke and asked a sailor where the ship was; he was told that it was fifty miles off Crete."
The above are at page 118 and 119 of the link given below
Absolutely. We believe Jesus is God. But we donot belive that he is the ONLY God. There were many great souls in the world like him. We also believe that more great souls will come.
>Absolutely. >We believe Jesus is God. But we donot belive that he is the ONLY God. >There were many great souls in the world like him. We also believe that >more great souls will come.
I cant believe it this much lies is been happen in these
I think everybody forget about that Cheras who ruled the kerala in the earlier is Tamils who theylive and ruled before the birth of th jesus( even it is prediction only).
These are the stories is being createdby the churches for convert.
Even someof them in thetamilnadu churches issued that the booklet is that the jesus is comeand create the tamil language and also the Saivam and Vainavam.
these all are just stories just like our politicians
Last 2 years roaming in villages ( My new work) You have to visit these villages and see.
No point in writing in article here. many of my coworkers in Villages ask me sir, you are telling so many things which we donot know. these chrsitian preachers tell so many things. why not you people are not working with us. clarify us.
Now you know why i burst that day. Hindu Dharma will take care of itself is all somberithanam. Need to work a lot.
Serach in google- Hinduism from christianity, Christianity in sangam litrature etc.
Can we just eliminate those msgs that are felt that way and let the thread run.
As a strong believer in Jesus and his work towards humanity, i suggest that this thread (barring the offending statements) be available.
There are radical elements in any religion being that religion itself is one man's view of God. For all purposes, no religion forces a conversion, but radicals do.
Dear friends, I'm not a Christian, because I believe the definition of 'Christian' is belief in the Divinity of Jesus, which I do not. Humans are human, period. 'highly organized, dogmatic & centralized' ? There are at least 50 [probably way more] different sects calling themselves Christian, I don't know what you mean? Everything from Mormons to Holy Rollers & snake handlers, to Coptic Christians & Amish. Centralized? Are you speaking of the Roman Catholic Church? 'scuse the rant. Kathie