amazing video of a tiger leaping at an elephant mahout. just cant spot it till the last minute, the ferocity of the attack , the speed of its leap and the distance it jumps - mind blowing
Wow!! sad that such a beautiful animal is being hunted to extinction as we speak.
Im reading Wilbur Smith's A Time to Die. A lion hunt and an elephant chase are described wonderfully in that as are the dangers, the thrills, etc. Its really sad that Africa is being destroyed from within and none of the so called developed nations seem to care.
i am naveen, recently only i joined this group. i just want to pass on my comment on this, what ever kind of animal it is it will get ferocious only when we disturbs it. in this case it would have felt something bad is going to happen.but what ever happened unfortunately a guy has lost his fingers just to safe guard other people out of danger. we should be proud of that guy.
Hi rahul trying to locate sunbird for you. venketesh > Wow!! sad that such a beautiful animal is being hunted to extinction as we > speak. > > Im reading Wilbur Smith's A Time to Die. A lion hunt and an elephant chase > are described wonderfully in that as are the dangers, the thrills, etc. Its > really sad that Africa is being destroyed from within and none of the so > called developed nations seem to care. > > Regards > Rahul >
while appreciating the speed and power of the tiger, i cant but praise the mahout. He threw his angoosam at the approaching tiger in split second reaction.
Actually the big cats can be in the famous LAs Vegas Siegfried and Roy show the white tiger decided to bit the master just out of nowhere. Has anyone watched 'Ghost and the Darkness' one of the best thrillers made on lion hunt.
Hi Malathi; Yah, Ghost and the Darkness is one of my favorite movies.One of Val Kilmer's best works. Somebody in our group uploaded the pdf link to the book. The book is also wonderful. You should read it sometime.
Ghost n darkness is a masterpeice, its a actual story. The book by colonel patterson with original photos is available on the net
Guess the last lion that was killed in that operation is in a US museum. Cant remember the name. Thats what the engineer character says when the film ends.
Chicago..Museum of science..the skeletal remains of the lions, the gun that killed them and the remains of some of their prey are all preserved there. It is truly amazing to this day they have not found why those lions killed just for the sake of killing, which is very non lionish to do.
the actual lions were male but maneless. remember reading a study to see if the lack of mane's made them more ferocious ( since they wouldnt be attractive to the females without the mane) and that since they couldnt start a pride, they were out hunting on their own. normally males would only sit and eat - while the lionesses hunt - they were there maybe to pull down large prey and protect the pride against other bachelor lions!!!
There are more deviations in the movie..they describe the lions as 9 feet tall which was not the case, the lions are regular size lions only, no lion has been discovered that tall. Secondly no professional hunter was hired to kill them..Colonel Patterson (not Remington portrayed by Michael Douglas) killed both the lions, one immediately and one with repeated wounds over a span of 10 days.
The Field museum exhibit shows the equipment he used as well.
They are not claiming that that lion is 9 feet tall. I think the lion measures 9 feet from nose tip to the end of tail. Even then its very huge! Regarding the movie Did Michael Douglas kill any of the lion? I dont think so. They will hire him but eventually he also gets killed - If my memory is right! Correct me if I am wrong. ~ Udanx
Sorry not 9 feet tall, same 9 feet length and very incorrent, the lion looks like any ordinary lion. Michael Douglas character is imaginary and did not exist. I think he kills one of them? The other kills him.