Its my personal Interest to Analyze Rajendra's Ganges Expediton which I did due to afeel after reading the Novels Vengaiyin Mainthan, Mannan Magal, kangapurikkavalan and Kadal pura...Its a lengthy mail, pls be patience to read...
After I'm joined in this group, I foundsome confuses arethere in the countries listed in Rajendra's Records...
Dr.Jaybee's details about this expeditionshown me a new path...
It made me to analyze the whole Indian kingdoms history from 750 to 1200 A.D... and under stand the happenings around the year 1020 which is the key time of this expedition...
while Surfing, I noticed Our Virarajendra @ Hari sirs Research extract about this expedition which attracted mealso shown a different Direction...
The scholars view about the Ganges conquest is DIGVIJAYA ( i.e ) conquest of Quarters... whichhas beennoted in Tiruvalangadu copper plates of Rajendra...
I would like to say " the concept of Digvijaya " is not Right... because of the date of Tiruvalangadu copper plates is, after the year 1026...
Rajendra indirectly recorded his victory against Mahmud Ghazni by sayingthat " i'm the conquerorof GANGA river "
while analyzing the details about Ganga riverscholars clearly said " River Ganga divided into SEVEN streams after it's arrival to the Earth...
The Names of the Seven Streams " Bagirathi, Sita, Chakshu, Sindhu, Hladini, Nalini and Pavani " none of these streams were not called as Ganga... before its branching only it is called as "GANGA"...
Inthe later days the people used tocall " Bagirathi as Ganga " which is amere notification of its a branch of Ganga... its to be noted that the seven streams are passing throughthe mleccha countries also... Fromthescholar's words about puranic accounts of those countries, most of them are Mlechha tribes living countries..
the regions between saraswati river and Varnasi, Himalaya and Narmadha river - which wascalled as Madhya Desa, is the Pure Land and allthe others are Impure lands ( Mleccha countries )... Mleccha tribes are the people who never followed the vedic Dharma(i.e) never Do the Rituals ( Sradhdha Ceremany) for their ancestors..
The purpose of Ganga's Arrival to the Earth is togive Mokshato the ancestors of Bagiratha, who Brought the Ganga by his austerities...
this Sradhdha ceremony was done by thepeopleat Varanasion the Bagirathi river, because of the other countries were the Mleccha countries... thats why this Bagirathi river was called as GANGA... ( refer to Rajendra's Meikeerthi line " வெறி மலர் தீர்த்தத்து எறிபுனல் கங்கையும் " ( i.e ) the Ganga River which was filled with flowers and its wavy water dashed on the Bathing stations... )
as the Time goes, later all the other streams were got different names according to the language of the people who were lived ontheir banks...
I would like to say " GANGA " means the Whole seven streams andRajendra's Claiming as GangaiKondan isnot acceptable, if it means only the Bagirathi...
The reason for Building " CHOLA GANGAM " after the Kadaramconquest proves this Seven streams... the translation of the sanscrit portion by the scholars says " WATERS OF GANGA "which I doubt that the writing of this term should mean STREAMS OF GANGA... (the archeolagy people in our group maylook at the sanscrit portion and could confirm it )
Also the crossing of Ganga, beforeKosala Desa which is a Mistakeof Composing ?
But Its notable that the TVDU platesdo notspeakabout Sakkarakkottam to Masuni Deasam.. Instead of these5 places it speaks the Ganges River crossing... which givena dispute between the scholars...
To under stand the theory behind the scene we must study the Political Condition ofIndia around the year 1020... those details are as follows...
1018 : 1. Bhimapala, son of TrilochanaPala was imprisoned by Chandradeva, king of SHARWA at while he went for alliance by marriage … 1019 : 2. Mahmud Ghazni attacked Sirsava, Bulandshahr, Mathura, Kannauj, Manjawan, Asai, sharwa… Ghazni left a Large part of his army at Mathura… 3. Jayasimma and Shasthadeva records their capture of Dhara, capital of Malwa…
( In the book Bhojaraja, P.T srinivasa Ayyangar says jayasimma captured dhara at when Bhojaraja ,the king of Malwa was not in his capital… Where he was? The author of the book “ Inscriptions of Kachapagthas,paramaras, chandelas etc… analyzes Bhojaraja’s Prasasti and says from the words of Al – Gardizi: In the time of Kannauj expedition, Mahmud ghazni Diverted his route to avoid Bhojaraja… ) 4. Jaysimma Claims victory against the Elephant Troops of Bhojaraja, Gangeya and Rajendra 5. Rajendra Claims Victory against Jayasimma at the battle of Musangi ( Maski ) 6. Bhojaraja recovered his Capital and southern regions… 7. Vidhyadhar chandela and Arjuna, king of Gwalior claims victory against Kannauj king Rajyapala who accepted the suzeranity of Mahmud Ghazni… ( Arjuna’s Arrow penetrated the Neck of Rajyapala ) ( The scholars Who are analyzing this issue, blames Vidhyadhara for this attack and Killing of Rajayapala. When we see the Nature of the Death of Rajyapala, arrow penetrates the Neck seems to be Immoral while compare with yudhdha-Dharma ) 1020 : 8. Mahmud Ghazni attacked Trilochanapala, For Joining with Vidhyadhar chandela… 9. After defeat and retreat, Trilochanapala was killed by his Own Mutinous Troops.. 10.( Bhimapala, son of Trilochanapala took refuge at Bhojaraja… from the words of Alberuni “ a prince of Pala Dynasty of Kabul took Refuge at Bhaojaraja ” ) 11. Vidhyadhar chandela escaped from the Battle field before war; even he was prepared for a tough war… ( In this battle field Vidhyadhar’s army was about 3,00,0000… Mahmud also possesed more than the same number…) 12. Suryavarma, the king of Eastern Kamboja ( Cambodia ) sought Friendship of Rajendra… 1021 to 1024 : 13. Arjuana met his death and his son Kirtiraja ascends. 14. Amir Abul Muzaffer Nazir, the Younger Brother of Gahzni and the commander of Ghazni’s army met his Death.. 15. Arzlan khan, the king of Turkistan met his death 16. 15 forts of Ghazni was gifted by him to vidhyadhar Chandela 17. Bhimapala crowned as the king of Pala dynasty of Kabul and ruled for 5 years ( 1021 to 1026… No definite details about his dominions ) 18. In the year 1023, Mahmud’s army strength was 53000 at the outpost of his empire ( after Gifting the 15 forts … ) 19. Rajendra Claims his Victory against the Kings in Uttarapaha ( Northwestern Bharatha Varsha ) 20. Indraratha king of kosala, met his death 21. Mahasivaguptha Chandihara Yayati II, Ascends the throne of Kosala at Swarnapura @sonepur… 22. Dhanmapala, ruler of Dandabhukthi met his death… 23. Rajendra Claims the victory against Kosala and Palas of Bengal. 24. Gangeyadeva claims victory against Trikalinga ... 25. Bhojaraja claims victory against Indraratha and Turks… He brought the water of Indus river and celebrated his victory against Turks at Ujjain Mahakal temple ( inscription )… ( ref. the book : Thamilaga Varalarum Makkal Panpadum ) 1025 - 1027 :
26. Rajendra claims victory against Srivijayam Empire of Kadaram…
27. Bhimpala, Met his death
28. Ghazni attacked somnath
Thats all the related details about the polical condition of India in 1020 A.D...
without clearlyidentifying thecountries of Rajendra's Meikeerthi ( PRASASTHI) we cant under stand why Rajendra went to North...
pls look at the following...
Rajendra’s Empire Countries appears in Rajendra’s meikeerthi :
IdaiThurai - south eastern karnataka. Vanavasi - Banvas, karnataka Kollippakkai - Kulpak, andhra Mannai kadakam - Manyakheta, Karnataka Srilanka Pandya kingdom Chera kingdom Palpalantheevu - maldives Santhimatheevu - Goa ( ref. chola navigation package ) Musangi - Maski, Karnataka IrattaPadi - ( western Chalukya kingdom ?) Sakkrakkottam - bastar region, chattisgargh Mathura mandalam - ? Namanaikkonam - ? Panjappalli - ? Masuni Desam - ? Odda Visayam - Odra desa, Province of Kosal nadu Kosala Nadu - Parts of Chattisgarh and Orissa Danda Buththi – Border Regions of Orissa and Bengal Dhakshina Ladam - Southern regions of Bengal kingdom Vangala Desam - Eastern Regions of Bengal Uththira Ladam - Northern Regions of Bengal
Sri Vijayam - Kingdom : capital Palempang Pannai - East coast of Sumatra. Malaiyur – Jambi Mayirudingam – parts of malay peninsula ilangasokam - langasuka Mapappalam - papphala , on the coast of pegu… Mevilimbangam – kamalanga, on the isthus of ligor. Valaippanduru – panduranga, in champa Talaittakkolam – takkola, on the isthmus of kra Madamalingam - tambralinga – center was ligor ilamuri desam - northeren tip of sumatra manakkavaram - the nicobar islands kadaram – kedah
( Kadarm – countries from the Book : The Indianized States Of South East Asia by George Coedes… ) Indian - countries, from SII volumes, The Cholas, Palas of Bengal and Cultural History and profile of South Kosala…) Already I have givenmy view about Mathura Mandalam…
Now my view about Masuni Desam as follows; Masuni Desam : Scholars notification of this Name is “ country of Nagas ” seems to be a bit differs from the meaning of the word “ Masuni ”. Aasaarakkovai - a tamil literature mentions this word in connection with indisciplined activities. The verse is “ Masuni tham kil mel Kollar ” (மாசுணிதம் கீழ் மேல் கொள்ளார் ) ( i.e ) the people who are great by their activities won’t use the Unclean or IMPURE things . This line gives a view about the word MASUNAM, which the scholars proposed to identify as Naga kingdom… The word Masunam originates from the word Masuni ( i.e ) The snake gets this name because of it creeps on the ground and becomes dirty or unclean or impure…. ( ref. Panniru thirumurai Pattum porulum Now the meaning of the word Masuni as Impure gives a different view of the country… Masuni desam - Impure Land (i.e) the country which was inhabitaed by the Impure People… Refer: Alberuni’s India Personal and Geographical names in Gupta’s inscriptions And some more books deals with the MLECCHAs… Wikipedia also Help in this …
Mleacchas are the people who are being known as the Impure one… Because of they never follow the vedic dharma ; in simple terms, never do the rituals ( sradhdha ceremony ) for their ancestors… Alberuni also says that the mlecchas are arabs… All the scholars deals with the mlecchas , gives a list of Mleccha tribes… In the medival time the Turks and arabs are called as Mlechhas… For the origin of Mlecchas, pls have a look in the blog “ Tamilan dravidana ” ( Unfortunately it’s in tamil. Google Translate may help the other language Translation… ) Now the Masuni Desam is the Mleccha Desa… ( i.e ) in the Mean time of Rjc the Mlecha tribes are Turks and Arabs… Turk kingdoms are : 1. Ghazna Kingdom 2. Turkistan Kingdom Arab Kingdoms are : 1. Baghdad kingdom ( over Lords of other mleccha kingdoms; this arab kingdom was being called as MahaMleccha ) 2. Multan kingdom ( multan, pakistan ) 3. Mansura kingdom ( hyderabad regions of Pakistan )
Ghazna Kingdom : ( year 1020 ) Southern Border was Arabian Sea Northern Border was Oxus or Amu Darya river Western border was Tigris river valley ( or ) eastern border of the arab kingdom of Baghdad. Eastern Border was The Ganges - Yamuna Doab and to its north upto Himachal pradesh… Now lets turn to the Scholars words ( i.e ) The regions Mathura mandalam, Namanaikkonam, Panjappalli are belongs to Masuni Desam… The above said names are clear Tamil words which are impossible to be named in Tamil in the northern countries of Medieval India… the languages of all the countries are notified by Alberuni and Sanscrit was commonly in use for naming…
Namanaikkonam : In the book “ Ulaga maha chakravarthi Rajendra cholan by, notifies Namanaikonam and Panjappalli are lies in the Hyderabad region , india… Our’s Virarajendra@Hari sir locates this place in Haryana state, india… I cant find any other scholars Notifications about this country… In the cholas, sri.K.A.N. simply says that these countries are to be found to the North west of Vengi... most of the scholars says “ not satisfactorily identified…” Now, I try to analyze the name Namanaikkonam. Normally a place is named by means of a reason; it’s a common practise… This name alternativley written as Namanaikkonai in Meikeerthi… Konam and Konai means the same ; Angular… This name could be splitted as Nangu + manai + Konam (i.e) Four + Palace + Angular According to the name our’s vishwaksenan sir says that the place which had Four Forts situated in four directions… I would like to add a word with this description which would be the exact meaning ; The four forts situated in Four angular directions ( NW, NE, SE and SW )… Before locating these four forts, let’s analyze the description given in Meikeerthi… this country is notified as “ Kamidai valai Namanaikkonam ”… scholars says that “ Namanaikkonam surrounded by a Dense Jungle ” In the word Kamidai – midai is originated from the word “ midaithuru - which means Dense jungle ”. It is acceptable that the word midai is used to show the prescence of a dense jungle near by Namanaikkonam… now here, a doubt occurs that why it is written as Kamidai… There is a possiblity to consider that the letter “ ka ” is attached as a silent partner for the word Midai… like writing “ i ”lankeswara in tamil…
But, we have a list of forests around Mathura mandalam… In these forests, a forest’s name “ Kamyaka vana ” sounds like“ kamidai ” { KAMIDAI èKAMYAKA } … it appears as the tamil notification for this Kamyaka vana… this kamyaka vana was Inhabited by the Pandavas the mahabharatha fame, later by the Brahmins and Rishis… This Kamyaka vana was stretched from the western Banks of saraswathi river to the sutlej river’s confluence with Sindh river ( pressent haryana to UCH in pakistan ( ref. the book : selections in mahabharatha ) Now the Four forts are as follows 1. Bathinda, punjab, india ( NE ) 2. Sirsa, Haryana, india ( SE ) 3. Bhatnair ( Hanumangargh), rajasthan, india ( SW) 4. Abohar, punjab, india ( NW ) ( google maps could help to find their quadrilateral locations ) In the medieval time, this region was notified as Bhati.. by muhammedan scholars. Muhammad nazim, the author of the book “ the life and times of Sultan mahmud of ghazna ” clearly analyzes about these four forts as notified by Alexander Cunningham . These four forts are appearing separately in later history of india… But , yuan chwaang’s notification of the country ( 7th century) “ Sata duru” which had Sutlej river as its western border… seems to be this region… The Authors of the books “ the ancient geography of india and Yuan chwang’s travels in india ” do not say its right name … I’d like to say that, the name should be a phonetic resemblance of the sanscrit word “ Sathur Durggam ” which means Four forts… This Bhati was captured by ghazni Mahmud in the year 1004-5. Later in the time of prithviraj chauhan the same Bhati also appears … Some Scholars notifies Bathinda and some notifies Bhatnair for this Bhati, in both the cases of Ghazni and prithviraj… one of these two forts seems to be the main fort and the other three were supporting forts…
Panjappalli :
This name also not well analyzed by the scholars like Namanaikkonam… I cant find scholar’s words related to this country… Now I try to analyze the name … Panjappalli can be splitted as Panjam + Palli … Panjam means Dry, Five, etc… Palli means school, Gathering point, Joining, confluence, etc… Panjam first meaning as Dry, can not be used in a country’s name which would show its a Dry Country… so, I select the Meaning “ Five ” Palli - I would like to use the meaning Confluence, which means “ Sangamam ” ( i.e) palli as sangamam could be the right one… We are at Namanaikkonam, so need to search panjappalli around it only… The name “ Panjab ” gives a view to the name Panjappalli… Panj – ab is a Persian notifaction of Five waters or Five rivers… Those five rivers are as follows : ( from the west ) Jhelum, Chenab, Rawi, Beas, Sutlej… These five rivers have a speciality, ( i.e ) these rivers joins one with another from Jhelum to Sutlej. 1. Jhelum joins Chenab ( Jhelum + Chenab ) then flows as Chenab… 2. Chenab + Rawi; then flows as Chenab ( this two sangama happens west to multan ) 3. Chenab + Beas ; then flows as chenab 4. Chenab + Sutlej; then flows as Chenab ( this two sangama happens south east to multan ) 5. Then Chenab joins Indus below UCH, in Pakistan…
These confluence conditions are in the mean time of Rjc… as Explained by Alexander Cunningham… ( at present panjnadi joins Indus below Mithankot which is some distance above UCH . Beas joins Sutlej ) The Place at where the Sutlej joins Chenab was called as PanchaNadu in the time of Rjc... and the chenab was also called as Panjanadi… the same place was Notified by yuvanChwang as “ Pi-chen-po-pu-lo ” … Alexander Cunningham simply said that it is the name of the capital of Sindh country, after refusing other scholars translation of this name … when I compare the other names noted by Yuan chwang, ( Po-lo-tu- lo as sa – la – tu – ra) and identified by the scholars, I would like to say “ Pa-nj-sa-pu-ra ” is the Phonetic Resemblance of yuvan chwang’s word… this region seems to be the place Panjappalli… this place is described as “ Venjilai Virar Panjappalli ” in Meikeerthi… an alternative writting for “ venjilai is venjina ( very hard and tough ) in meikeerthi also appears ” scholars says “ Panjappalli had the warriors who possesed the Cruel Bows ”… We know The Fifth confluence took place below UCH, pakistan… At this UCH, an Yadheya tribe people were living at that time… this people’s nature and their strength were analyzed by Alexander cunningham… these Yadheyas were come into conflict with Ghazni Mahmud in the year 1027… This Yadheyas may be the “ Venjilai or venjina viras ” The “ Panjappalli ” is the place at where the Fifth Confluence took place at where the panjnadi joins Indus… While analysing the political conditions, Ghazni’s gifting of 15 forts to Vidhyadhara seems to be an Indirect Notification of the Muhammaden Scholars to hide a defeat of Ghazni at the hands of Vidhyadhara, Bhojaraja, Gangeya and Rajendra… To ensure this , Vidhyadhra’s Inscriptions which are important, but scholars says no inscription of vidhyadara were found… Bhojaraja’s prsasti and Ujjain Mahakal Inscription records his victory against Turks… Gangeya defeated a Muhammaden Governor of Punjab ( from some of the Blogs ) Rajendra also recorded his victory against The kings in Uttarapatha… Especially thiruvalangadu copper plates do not speak about the regions from Sakkarakottam to Masuni desam… Instead of it, States about crossing the Ganges… The crossing of Ganges means = Crossing of Indus ( One of the western streams of Ganges ) This Indus has a condition ; it could be navigated only by Flat Bottom Boats… Because of Its depth is as low as to be navigated only by flat bottom boats… Its course of Water varies related to the climates… In the winter season it’s Very dry… at this time only Alexander, Yuan chwang, Muhammad bin Kasim, Mahmud ghazni and the others crossed the Indus … Its depth and Course of Water flow and Banks condition were fully analyzed by the British scholars ( Cabool and Travels into Bukhara, etc…) it is suitable for crossing by means of Elephant Bridge… At present The depth of Indus below Mithankot at where Panjnadi river joins Indus; is about4ft only ( winter season) … Here the season plays a role to determine the duration of the war… Scholars says that to complete the Ganges conquest took a Two years of Time; seems to be a long duration if it covers only chattisgarh to bengal while comparing with the chola army’s rapid move recorded in the details of Rajaraja I… To reach sakkarakkottam Rajendra need to cross Godavari, which should be done in Summer time… To reach mathura need to cross Yamuna in the summer or Autumn season… To reach the capital of Masuni Desam need to cross indus in the winter season… While return the reverse sequence may also take another six months… Then moves towards bengal kingdom through kosal desa may also need enough time interval… so that the duration of this took a 2 years of journey… just to reach bengal, its impossible to take a 2 years which is a very long time toreach….
As I have analyzed the regions: Mathura Mandalam : Mathura Mandalam was comprised Mathura, Sirsava, Bulandshahr, Kanauj, Manjawan, Asai, sharwa, Thanesar (Haryana), Narayanpur (Rajasthan)… ( while, scholars doubt about this mathura mandalam due to some mandalas near to sakkarakkottam ; but those names appears in the later years after Rajendra ) Namanaikkonam : The Four forts Of Bathinda, Sirsa, Bhatnair and Abohar which were in between Kamyakavana… Panjappalli : The sindh country or southern Pakistan… which had Pancanadu or Panjapura as its capital in the ancient days… Masuni Desam : When we see the Descriptions given with the countries Sakkarakkottam to Masunidesam… we could feel a difference that sakkarakkottam and panjappalli is given with General epihets; other three with Geographical notifications… gives a view as kings or rulers of those countries joined with rajendra… Sakkarakottam was a relatvie country of Bhojaraja… bhojaraja’s father married a princess of Sakkarakkottam… In the list of countries sakkarakkottam to Masuni desam; Rjc notifies Mathura region next to sakkarakkottam… Between these two countries ; three countries of Bhojaraja, Gangeya and vidhyadhara were not notified; also confirms the Confederacy of them with Rajendra…
Finally, the Masuni Desam is the indication of the EMPIRE of Sultan Mahmud Ghazni... In our group's earlier discussions, no.of members were raised many doubts about this conquest and hard comments on Rajendra also...
Its allthe details about the Ganges conquest which I foundrelated to the doubts of Our members...
If the Details of Northern india was fully collected by the scholars from the inscriptions, there wont be any confusionsabout this war...
On the whole, the history of Northern indiatotally belongs to theMuhammaden historians and Travellers... because of most of the Temples were lost to the time...
I request our membersto analyzetheabove details and share your views...regards...
I am not an expert on history like the core members, so wouldnt comment on the content, but looks like this is very extensive analysis on Rajendra, should have taken months/years to come up with these conclusion. Very good and informative thread.
the following details about The General, whoLead the Ganges campaign of Rajendra...
In the book "Ulaga Maha Chakravarthi Rajendra Cholan" the author Ku.Ma.Kannan says that,the general " DhandaNayagan Soman Kumaran @ Madhuranthaka Marayan,who errected a statue of Rajendra at sivapuram, may bethe commander in chief of this conquest.
Also says that,the scholar RAJASEKARA THANGAMANI has concluded that Arayan Rajarajan was the C- in – C, on the basis of musangi battle which was lead by him in the year 1019. He was honoured by aTitle as " JAYA SINGA KULA KALAN "for defeating the Western Chalukya king JAYA SINGA. but the date ofGanga conquest falls on 1021 - 23.
Tiruvalangadu copperplates says about the general as follows
V. 110.) Accordingly (he) ordered the commander of the army who had powerful battalions (under his control), who was the resort of heroism (and) the foremost of diplomats, — to subdue the enemy kings occupying (the country on) the banks of that (river).
In the Introduction section of this SII volme 3... the Author Sri. K.V. Subrahmanya Ayyar, says the following about the General and the army,
The conquest of Northern India by the Cholas must have taken place in 1023 A.D. the above account shows that it was a general of the Chola king who conducted his campaign.But it is somewhat difficult to believe how a single Chola army could overrun within one year such a vast tract of country.It is also said that after vanquishing the kings of the Gangetic countries Rajendra-Chola’s general caused the water of the sacred river to be brought to the Chola capital on the heads of the conquered kings.
Now Lets have a look at meikeerthi lines of Rajendra II ( son of Rajendra chola I )
“ தன் சிறிய தாதையாகிய எறிவலி கங்கை கொண்ட சோழனைபொங்கி கல் இருமுடி கொண்ட சோழனென்றும் ”
In this line, Rajendra II honoured, his Father's Younger brother " Erivali Gangai Konda Chola " by giving another title as " Pongi Kal Irumudi Chola "
The actual name of Rajendra I's Younger Brother is not Known...
He was called as " Erivali Gangai Konda chola " which shuld be his Title given by Rajendra I...
This name shows me a link to the meikeerthi Lines of Virarajendra ( son of Rajendra I )... the line as follows...
" தன் கழல் அடைந்த மன்னவர்க்கு கடாரம் எறிந்து கொடுத்தருளி ”
scholarsexpalains about this line " Vira rajendra restored Kadaram on a request of Its King, who lost it to his Opponents
( For an interesting Refernce Plsread the Novel " Kadal Pura " By Sri. Sandilyan... the Basic Plot of this novel is, this Kadaram Restoration by KulottungaandIlaiya pallava)
In this line the term " Erinthu ( எறிந்து ) has been used to notify the Restoration of the country "
the same term " Eri " also appears in the Title of Rajendra I's younger brother as " Erivali Gangai Konda chola ".
Gangai konda chola is the Title of Rajendra I...
His younger brother's title also resembles the same... but a difference has been made to indicate,
the one Who had Power to Restore (எறிவலி )GANGA from its occupants... ( the term " vali " means " Power " )
Tiruvalangadu plates says " Rajendra Ordered hiscommander to restore the Ganga "
If my assumption about this Term " எறிவலி " is Right,
The Commander in Chief whoLead the Ganga Campaign should be Rajendra's Younger Brother, The ERIVALI GANGAI KONDA CHOLAN...
In the book "Ulaga Maha Chakravarthi Rajendra Cholan " the author Ku.Ma.Kannan, listed the officials and Generals of Rajendra I.
In the list ,one of Rajendra's vassal kings" Gangai Konda Miladudaiyar " also appears... which gives a view as " a king of Tirukkovilur Malayaman family also took part in this Campaign... "
Meikeerthi lines Reference from " Project Madurai - Meikeerthislist of Pandya, vijayanagara, chola kings "
These Details are my own analysis with my little Tamil Knowledge and by comparing the scholars words about some other details...
Our's Learned Members could Give more Details about the commander in chief...
Some of the details Which I'm Unable to Collect, are as follows :
1.Text of Ennayiram Inscription of Rajendra
2.Text of Bhojaraja's Ujjain Mahakhal Temple Inscription which records His victory against Turks
If anyone of our Membershavethese, could confirm some details about Rajendra's Ganges Campaign... anyone ?