I am very proud to host our Raman Sankaran on tamizh radio from Stanford this Wed Aug 24 8.00 pm India time you can listen live via internet links at our website www.itsdiff.com
- all about coins collecting and the history behind (it's a live program where you can get to participate as well)
The radio show starts with devotional songs, ninaivil nindravai, special archives follwed by the interview
Pls tune in - Past program archives (Heritage series) - interview with Chandra, Vairam, Vijay, Maniam Selvan, are available at
Makkale - We had a great interview with Thiruvalar (Numismatics Scholar) Raman Sankaran on our radio show from Stanford
Please do check out the recorded program ( thanks to all from all over the world who had heard the program live viw web streaming and sent in their feedback)