dan browns new best seller has actually increased tourist arrivals in washington monuments mentioned in the book. infact lots of residents would be amazed at the trivia about the city .some so bizare that they seem cooked up.
yale university in USA having produced 5 US presidents, the co founder of Time magazine, several nobel, pulitzer and pritzker( best architect) laureates. this university has a connection with chennai.
from yale's website Yale University's historical ties to India extend back to its namesake, Elihu Yale, who lived and worked in India for nearly three decades with the British East India Company from 1670 to 1699. Yale administered Fort St. George in Madras (present-day Chennai, capital of the state of Tamil Nadu) as its governor between 1687 and 1692. In 1718, Yale donated to the Collegiate School of Connecticut three bales of goods, 417 books, a portrait of King George I and a set of royal arms. Madras cotton, silk and other textiles from India were among the bales of donated goods. Their sale raised 562 English pounds for the construction of the University's first building. In gratitude for their benefactor's generosity, the Collegiate School's administrators changed the institution's name to Yale College.