At the same time, during PSVP meet - when Thiru intimated that several individual emails bounced (about 300 or so - Email IDs not in use any more ) - we considered it appropriate to remove those IDs to know our true strength.
I think it is time we effect this, so that even if we have 1600 members or so, it is fine.
And we also should take this opportunity to thank our dear " Thiru " for enhancing our groups visibility.
2000 members. Thats a godd number. But many of them are silent members. I see mails from say less than 100 people. What about others? One cant say that only PS is discussed. In fact everything under the sun is discussed in this forum. History / Art & Architecture / Spiritual / music - Hi Malathi ;-)
But the number of people contributing to this forum is very less when compared to the numbers.
I think thiru would have a sort of data for it. when we sent mails for the PS Event some 400-500 members had bouncing e mails.meaning that their emails were not active or their boxes were full
iam prabhu joined this group newly ,lots of information form this group iam amazed to see people who really intersted in history, i have two questions .1.Is there any chola palace in tamilnadu or any part of india.2.did chozhan had any quarrel with muslim kings?