bharathi must be proud if he visits his land today. nimirntha nannadai, nerkonda paarvai nilathil yaaarukkum anjaa.....
2 instances.where they exceeded even barathi's imagination.
sunitha williams is in space today
lets pray for her
and santhi sundararajan who got a silver at doha asiad daughter of a brick kiln employee. has missed atleast one meal every day in her life. chose atheletics as a career to feed and educate her siblings. today has made our nation proud. hope the politicians give her the 15 lakshs they promised
Not only Womene all aspects, he is a forerunner. His stance on Secularism and casteism...spell bounding. Being a Non-brahmin and criticising the brahminical acts is not a great thing to do. Most of our 'so called' secularist politicians do that. But being a brahmin and criticising openly the mooda nambikkai....this man should have the real guts to do that.
when the new age secularists were sucking their thumbs, this man has already laid down the doctrine, but as usual he didnt get the place he deserves for this.
Bharathi was really well ahead of his time. Imagine Bharathi living in our time Sathish, I am really sorry to say this, but he definetly would have been murdered by our politicians. It is really sad to see these great souls not being a celebrted the way it should have been.
Today was Swami Vivekananda's birthday(celebrated as the National youth day), but many in TN remembers this day only for Rajini.
the man from an ordinary family. died a pauper. left behind a destitute family whom he couldnt even feed properly during his lifetimes.
held no post or wielded any power and 125 years have passed since he was born. still we hear his patriotic poem and blood races thro the veins like volcanic lava. we hear his romantic poem and remember the times we loved and lost
we hear his poem on social upliftment and are happy our country has achieved that.
125 years is a long time and a man from the past being a part of our lives is by itself a great tribute.
I dont think we have erred in our duties to a dead bharathi as our forefathers did when he was alive.
I agree with Mr.Venketesh. Bharathi is certainly getting a lot of accolades these days than when he was alive. As Mr.Venketesh said he dint even feed his family, a duty which is of primary importance.
Being a poet, the options to earn are very few in those days. There is no film industry to earn and live in luxary. He has to sing to the kings and zamindars of those days, who themselfs were lying at the feet of british. His pride would have killed him to sing to those guys.
What is the accolade Bharathi got these days? We discussing his poems on birth anniversary or being mentioned in the school text books?
Yes, I agree Bhrathi was not an ideal father nor an ideal husband.
Hope you are aware of the situation when he sang "Thani manithanuku una villayenil Jagathnai azlithivum" (pardon my english tamil, ). Can you imagine the plight of the man for this? It came out of his inability to feed himself and his family. It came out of his helpless in the society that did not help him. I belive Bharathi cannot be blamed for this. It is really the society to be blamed for not supporting the man.
I think great people all have their faults and one would find many "greats" who all let down their own families - Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi, Bharathiyar, etc etc. I suppose if one were to ask Buddha's wife and son (Rahul incidentally ;)), their views about his greatness might be mixed. So I suppose there is always a trade-off: A "great"'s ultimate effect on humanity vs his/her effect on immediate family members. You can add many to that list. Meerabai (we would consider a woman who leaves her husband, thinks she is married to a deity in a temple, mad - these days); Ramana Maharishi - his mother would probably not have been very pleased etc etc :)
I was just trying to say the Bharathi is definitely getting more accolades these days than he did when he was. For example here about 25-30 people are discussing about him on his anniversary while only 7 were present during his funeral. That should be proof enough.
I think the final para in my last mail awoke a lot of Bharathis! ;);)
On the topic of 'greats' being criticised by their family, well said Arun.
And Sivaram's and SPS's mail about vivekananda - Vivekananda took sanyasa, when his father had died, family was in debts, starving for one meal a day etc. When his father was alive, Vivekanada's family lived like kings. So his family will say that he deceived them and left them in 'nadu theru'.
For the matter of fact, I have heard that Chellama Bharathi was not like the chellamma portrayed in the movie Bharathi. She used to enjoy his poems and Bharathi used to read all his poesm first to her. They did share a good family life. Poverty - paramparai sothu of pulavars.
Harikrishnan of Marabilakkiyam, author of 'Anuman - Varpum Vanappum, a well know tamil literary person in teh internet world, can talk for hours on Bharathi. GOod discussion on this topic can be found in the 'marabilakkiya' yahoo group.
Buddha's wife and son (Rahul > > incidentally ;)), their views about his greatness might be mixed.
didnt rahul s/o buddha follow his foot steps.( every rahul does, gandhi, mahajan, buddha) i think its something to do with the name
I guess he became a monk too
> lot of > > > > > accolades these days than when he was alive. As Mr.Venketesh > said he > > > > > dint even feed his family, a duty which is of primary importance. > > > > > > > > > > Regards > > > > > Rahul > > > > > > > > > >
I'm overwhelmed! All your greetings. What a treat. Thanks so much. This b'day falls on the correct day of the week -- does that mean anything? I was born on a Monday. Shiva's day, of course. kathie
If I can stop one heart from breaking,I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching,Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin, Into his nest again, I shall not live in vain. Emily Dickinson
Madame Katherine,Wish you a very Happy Birthday,Many more happy returns of the day.You are a Shakthi,born on Shiva's day i;e on Monday. With best wishes from N.S.