Was the Kaaba Originally a Hindu Temple?
  • A Good Article.
  • Whoa...is this Professor Oak the same one who insists that the Taj
    Mahal is in fact Tejo Mahalaya ?

  • Quiet interesting Its the same author who claimed tajmahal was a hindu temple

    a refuttal of his claims is seen in


    about tajmahal read the following

    about the author

    check this out

  • Hi,

    Prof Oak is an Hindu activist or extremist. It
  • I have been reading with interest Prof.Oak's material forwarded by
    our member and also other members feelings based on the share of
    their knowledge.

    Long before all this I had concluded for my personal satisfaction,
    that Hinduism is the basis for almost all other religious sects in
    the whole of Asia and parts of South america from various material I
    had come across. I am unfortunately neither qualified nor have
    enough memory to quote from authorities.

    Naturally Indians and especially South Indians are a peace loving
    community. This has prevented us in the past from raising
    controversial issues and also coming out loud in the present. Even
    as on this day as more and more places of historical or religious
    interesta are being encroached upon, we keep silent because even if
    one is ready able and willing to raise against such moves, others
    (his family members and his bond of love and relationship with those
    who prevent him)subdue him.

    Same goes with the present discussion.

    As I conclude I may quote something on the ligter side. The
    residence of Yasser Arafat is in a place which is called "Ram-allah"
    which translated means "Rama the God". Allah always meant "God" as
    the word "Akbar" is not a name but means "Great". Their main prayer
    is "Allahu Akbar" which simply translates into "God is Great". Just
    because someone chants repeatedly "God is Great" can he be
    classified as a Muslim? what else is different.

    Their treatise on daily living, called "Saheehul Bukhari" running
    into twelve volumes, is nothing but a revised edition of the Hindu
    treatise on daily life by Varaha Mihira called "Brihat Samhita".
    The Brihat samhita has been amended to suit their current living
    conditions and so "Saheehul Bukhari" is born as their own guide for
    daily life. May be written because the Hindu treatise frustrated
    them in certain areas.

    I also know of quite some rich members of the Islam, who are there
    (despite a reluctance at heart to follow this religion) because they
    cannot be elsewhere and the source of their bread is based on their
    religion. If only, someone would come forward to lead them back
    into Hindusim also providing for a successful living in reasonable
    standard, they will revert in no time. But it is unfortunate
    neither I have the resources nor the following to initiate such a

    As Mr. balaji has (rightly?) pointed let me not be the cause to
    trigger violence because I know that violence is the ultimate
    result of cowardice and weakness.
  • I presume you have read the Brhatsamhita as well as Saheehul Bukhari.Can you please let me know where one can read them,say in English, or at least in sanskrit and arabic respectively so that I can satisfy myself that the latter is nothing but the former?
  • Dear Member,
    Brihat Samhita is in two volumes whereas Saheehul Bukhari is of 12
    volumes with may be more in the offing. These are similar but not
    same. Saheehul bukhari differs from Brihat samhita in many respects
    where they hold directly the opposite view than Hindus. I am now
    away, and may be when I return to India, in September or October, I
    may arrange a loan of the copies to you if you are placed in
    Chennai. I have read only the initial two volumes of Saheehul
    Bukhari and as for Brihat Samhita I do ramdom reading. Mine is a
    general view.

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