Seperation of lovers – Krishna stealing clothes of Gopikas – Murgan in Thiruparankundram – Akam 59
  • This poem is one of the most important poems in Sangam literature.
    Though this is the kind of Sangam poem I like with lot of comparisons
    and hidden meanings, this poem particularly interests me for some
    other reason. This poem contains interesting references to Krishna
    myths and Murugan’s adobe Thiruparankundram.
  • I have read at least around 300-400 Thirukkural verses in school. But
    not a single verse on Kamathupaal. So I decided to share the first
    chapter from Kaamathupaal. I can guarantee that it would be a surprise
    package for any one who hasn’t read any verses from Kaamathupaal.

    காமத்துப்பால் - Pleasure

    களவு இயல் – Concealed love
    109.தகை அணங்கு உறுத்தல்- Mental disturbance caused by the lady’s beauty
  • கடாஅக் களிற்றின்மேல் கண் படாம்-மாதர்
    படாஅ முலைமேல் துகில்!.

    Mr. Thiruvalluvar is really a very experienced person in this field
  • Different stages of a women – Tamil Word list 11

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