Saptha Matrikas
  • Saptha Matrikas are supposed to be seven commender in chiefs of Devi's
    army when Goddess fought Asuras. Each Goddess are known for their
    paths. While Chamundi fought Munda and chanda , she is known as
    Chamudi. In Almost all big temples in southern districts , there are
    images of of Saptha Matrikas in the corridor of Amman sannadhi. I
    belive in Vidya Upasana , they are known to be important figs. I will
    throw light more on the subject. i got a picture also i will share
    with u soon, this is taken in a temple in my native place

  • Dear Sir

    I have uploaded a photo of saptha matas taken in a temple in my native
    place, pl see the photo
  • Goddess Varahi is one of the Saptamatrukas (Mothers) created from
    the boar avatara of Lord MahaVishnu. She is classed as the fifth
    among the seven "mother-like" divinities. Except for Chamundi all
    the Saptamathrukas represent the female (Shakthi) aspects of the
    various Gods. Thus, Brahmani represents Brahma, Maheshvari
    represents Shiva, Kaumari represents Skanda or Muruga, Vaishnavi
    represents Vishnu, Varahi represents Varaha, the boar incarnation of
    Vishnu and Indrani that of Indra and Chamundi is the annihilator of

    Varahi is the Shakthi energy of the Vishnu Avatar Varaha. She is
    often associated with Goddess Kamala (one of the Mahavidyas). She is
    also called the Danda-natha or Lady Commander of the forces of the
    mother-goddess, symbolizing the might of SriVidya. Varahi is
    also "Vakdevi" on the snout of Varaha avatara of Lord Vishnu. This
    Vak (word) is the power of speech of Vishnu in His manifestation
    as "Yajna Varaha".

    Varahi has dominion over the intellect (Bhuddhi) and is worshiped
    through dhyana yoga. As Varahi she destroys evil forces that
    obstructs the devotees' progress, paralyses the enemies, and leads
    the devotees ultimately to Sri-Vidya. With Kurukulla, she is
    accorded the parental status to Sri-Chakra (Lalita Tripura-Sundari).
    While Kurukulla represents the full moon, Varahi represents the new-
    moon. And while Varahi represents the illumination (prakasha)
    aspects of the mother-goddess, Kurukulla is the "deliberation"
    (vimarsa) aspect. In another aspect, Varahi is also said to be one
    of the Yoginis, taking the form of a boar. She is said to lift up
    the earth with her tusks to confer benefits on all creatures. She is
    imagined as an eight-armed and three-eyed lady with a face of a hog,
    seated under a Palmyra tree and functioning as a trusted attendant
    of the Goddess as her chief counselor. In this form, she is known as
    Chaitanya-bhairavi (the devotee's association of strength). She is
    being described as a fierce (Maha-Ghora) and as Commander of the
    forces, she moves about in a chariot drawn by boars. She is said to
    reside in the ocean of sugar-cane juice (ikshu), one of the four
    oceans that surrounds the mother goddess, holding her court in the
    island of nine-jewels and facing the mother-goddess.

    Here is a picture of Goddess VARAHI !
  • Very Nice information to Read


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