• I have just completed darshan of all the thirumurai sthalams ( 266 )
    and Divyadesams ( 82 ) - a total of 348 - in Tamilnadu.

    The darshan tour appropriately ended with a visit to Bhavani
    Mukkoodalon Thursday.

    I was intent on completing the process before the onset of NE monsoon
    and by God's grace (and his Grace alone)the goal could be

    The very thought of setting foot on the soil hallowed by our great
    Nayanmars and Azhwars was both a humbling and a thrilling experience.

    I want to bring out a temple map of Tamil Nadu that will list
    divyadesams, abhimana sthalams, thirumurai sthalams, vaippu sthalams,
    sakthi, pillayar, kumaran and all other major temples so that people
    will find it easier to visit these places. Let us see.

    During all this time I have been following developments in our group,
    and being the novice in this field as I am, I have been silently
    digesting the wealth of information that has been gushing like
    Cauvery in its full flow.Even if I am able to retain 10% of the
    information I will have made by day.

    Regards. Ganesan.
  • sir.....

    dayavusenju unga kaalai kaatunga.....
  • Excellent

    now get your pass port ready 2 in lanka and one in tibet. and a few
    in north india. you will be one of the first 100 to have seen all the
    abodes of shiva


    regarding kailash the abode of shiva many people have been taking
    organised tours.
    the parikrama( girivalam) of the kailash takes 58 km because the
    pathway has been chosen for the least resistance to the pilgrim. this
    is called the outer parikrama.
    however there is an inner parikrama where one can walk just at the
    base of the hill. there were a lot of restrictions on who could take
    this trip of 13 or so km.
    they said only in the chinese year of the horse it was allowed or
    allowed to those born in the year of the horse.
    however fantastic videos have started coming of this trip. and adding
    to the wonders of the pilgrim are their contents,

    in the video we were able to notice man made caves halfway up on the
    main hill. something like ellora and ajanta .
    there were atleast one pair of white deer living on the hill.
    there was a lingam at the base and a waterfall of powdered snow was
    doing abhishekam for it.
    also on the manasarovar lake are some ducks which make sounds
    like " uma"

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