Tanjore trip
  • Dear SPS,

    I haven't decided how to join the trip. I may join the
    crew in Chennai or I may directly come to Tanjore from

    I will stay Saturday night at Tanjore. On Sunday
    morning, I will go back to Madurai ( this is because
    of a wedding I need to attend )

    Please let me know whether ASI would allow us to take
    photos & video of the paintings. If so, I will bring
    my camcorder & digital camera.
  • Hey people...
    can someone update me on this trip..am a new member.
  • vanakkam,

    Welcome to the group Akhila. We are planning to visit the Thanjavur
    Periya Koil on 3rd and some nearby temples on the 4th.

    As of now the plan is to leave Chennai on 3rd around 6 am. We should
    be back by 10 pm on the 4th.

    Please refer the messages for more details. You are most welcome to
    join us.

  • Hi Swetha
    Is there a number i can call you on????
    Would like to talk to you about the trip..
  • Hi Swetha..
    you could also write to me at akhila.aiyer@gmail.com
  • Dear SPS,

    I will board the vehicle opposite to SPIC in Guindy. I
    will give you a call around 6AM.

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