Dear All, Get the blessing of Lord Rama starting this Rama Navami by reading ramanya on your computer, Mobile, ipad etc. * *is a initiative to send Slokas from Ramayana on a weekly basis in English and Devanagari script to enable people read Ramayana. Join the 'Read Ramayana' initiative by registering yourself @
You will receive one email per week, with approximately 100 slokas from the original text of Valmiki Ramayana, along with a 'sub-title' like translation in contemporary and simple English, with the same flow, style and content as the original Ramayana as rendered by Maharshi Valmiki.
You can opt out of this initiative at any time, for any reason whatsoever !
This is a free service. There is no fee to join. However, your support will be greatly appreciated !
There are many slokas in Ramayana that enrich your thinking about life, such as making choices, sticking to choices, not getting swayed by emotions and distractions, etc. These slokas are written in such a powerful and poetic language, that they will stick in your mind without much effort. They jump out of your memory at the right moment to guide you through the challenges in life.