Srivanchiyam Karthikai Gupta Ganga Theerthavari (equivalent to Varanasi )
  • Srivanchiyam Karthikai Gupta Ganga
    Theerthavari (equivalent to  Varanasi )
    SeparateTemplefor Yama (the God of Death)
    This is
    located 35 Kms from Kumbakonam nearest to Nannilam Town.
    The 3 sacred
    tanks at Tiruvanchiam temple - Lakshmi Theeratham, Naga Theertham and Chakra
    Theertham - were created by Lakshmi, Adiseshan and Chakrathazhwar. A holy dip
    in Lakshmi Theertham is said to reunite a person with his estranged family. A
    holy dip in Naga Theertham is said to liberate one of all Naga Doshas. It is
    said that by taking a holy dip in Chakra Theertham, one is absolved of
    Brahmahatti dosham.
    Devotees are cured of
    illnesses after a bath in the Gupta Ganga, on the northern side of the outer
    prakaram. According to Puranas, a holy dip in Gupta Ganga is equivalent to one
    in Varanasi, Rameswaram and the Maha Maham tank in Kumbakonam. Lord Vinayakar
    on the banks of Gupta Ganga is to be worshipped first before taking the holy
    A prominent feature of this
    temple is that Yama, the God of Death is having s separate shrine for Him and
    is given preference in the daily worship.
    Visit and
    watch the video of this festival

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