15 Years of Ganapathi Milk Miracle
  • 15 Years of the Ganesha Milk Miracle
    Paranormal Phenomenon of the Last Millennium
    BySubhamoy Das,About.com Guide
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    'The Sun' was among the many newspapers that witnessed the 'miracle'Photo courtesy: 'The Sun'
    Sep 21 2010September 21, 1995. The bewildering news that Lord Ganesha is drinking milk spread across the world like wild fire - faster than
    ever! I was a college student living in a hostel in a sleepy university
    town in northeastern India, and soon found myself among friends and
    classmates marching to the nearest temple to feed milk to the idol of
    Ganesha, even before my rational mind could question the fact or dismiss it as a rumor.
    It Happened in Homes & Temples Alike
    What was so special about the unprecedented incident was that even
    curious non-believers rubbed shoulders with believers and even fanatics
    standing in long queues outside the temples. Most of them returned with a sense of awe and reverence - a firm belief that, after all, there may
    be something called God up there!
    People returning home from work would switch on their television sets to learn about the miracle and try it out at home. What was happening
    in temples was true even at home. Soon every temple and Hindu household
    around the world was trying to feed milk to Ganesha - spoon by spoon.
    And Ganesha scooped them up - drop after drop.
    How It All Began
    To give you a background, Hinduism Today magazine published from the United States reported: "It all began on
    September 21st when an otherwise ordinary man in New Delhi dreamt that
    Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed God of Wisdom, craved a little milk.
    Upon awakening, he rushed in the dark before dawn to the nearest temple, where a skeptical priest allowed him to proffer a spoonful of milk to
    the small stone image. Both watched in astonishment as it disappeared,
    magically consumed by the God. What followed is unprecedented in modern
    Hindu history."
    Scientists Had No Convincing Explanation
    Scientists were quick to attribute the vanishing of millions of
    spoonfuls of milk from under Ganesha's inanimate trunk to such natural
    scientific phenomenon as surface tension or physical laws as capillary
    action, adhesion or cohesion. But they could not explain why such a
    thing never happened ever before and why it stopped abruptly within 24
    hours. They soon realized that this was in fact something beyond the
    realm of science as they knew it. It was indeed the paranormal
    phenomenon of the past millennium, the "best documented paranormal
    phenomenon of modern times," and "unprecedented in modern Hindu
    history," as people now call it.
    A Mammoth Revival of Faith
    Various such small incidents were reported from different corners of
    the world at different times (November 2003, Botswana; August 2006,
    Bareilly, and so on), but it was never such a wide-spread phenomenon

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