Panduvamshis of Kosala
  • Hi Friends,

    Kosala is probably one of the most ancient town which finds mention in
    Ramayana as well. After the Guptas, various dynasties ruled over on this
    part before it came to the Kalchuris. Sarabhapuriyas, Panduvamshis and
    Somavamshis were few of these dynasties. I have already worked on the
    Sarabhapuriyas in my last article, the current article talks about the
    Panduvamshis of the Kosala branch. You might have heard the names of their
    kings like Tivaradeva and Shivagupta Balarjuna who were the most famous in
    the dynasty.

    Link -

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  • hi saurabh,

    good idea. with pdf creators, it very easy for any content to be downloaded.
    so no harm in providing it as a feature

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