Most Disturbing DEath?
  • Dear all

    No debates and opinions in 2003? Lets start again shall we....

    Who's death did you find very disturbing during the story...

    1.Aditya Karikalan...the cursed crown prince who falls in love with the girl who he cant marry..earns her wrath by killing someone close to her heart...tries to make up and his life.

    2.Manimegalai..the young innocent princess with dreams of a sundarapurushan builtup by her brother..caught betweeen the rivalry between her brother and her beloved..loosing her mind in the bargain eventually dying in the arms of her beloved.

    3.Periya Paluvettarayar...The kingmaker who gets dissillusioned by his young new wife..betraying his king and plotting against him amd his children fooling himself that he was doing it for the good of the kingdom.....Realising that he was harbouring traitors in his own household...takes his own life in his hands after saving the country from a disaster.

    4.Mandhakini...The deaf mute girl who loves a prince...bears a twins she doesnt raise..safegaurding her lovers child like a guardian angel..finally giving her life to save her beloveds and gains immortality in the eyes of everyone.

    What do think folks.

    looking forward for more veiws especially from our freinds who have been spectators for long now welcome to the discussion.
  • In my opinion each one of them is disturbing, the relative degree varies.

    1. Mandhakini's death is predictable somehow right from where she gets importance in the story. Especially, in the later stages when she finds somban sambavan in the pokisha nilavari, anybody might have guessed it. I think, otherwise the pathos might be missing if she is not killed. And lot more problem if she is going to be alive. Thanks to kalki he saves, Sundara Sozhar from an embarassment, leave alone his condition during her death. She died purely out of love for her beloved.

    2. Adithya Karikalan's death is history. So we know that he need to be killed in a plot which definitely involves Nandhini. Infact during the stages at which he gets killed (the athiyayam is "kaarirul soozhnthathu", the conversation between Nandhini and him), I infact I sided with Nanthini than him, while reading. He died because of his sheer love for her. He couldn't resist the temptation of meeting her, knowing well that he is in danger. Infact I was bit happy that he is relieved of his pain, he was carrying for three years.

    3. Periya Pazhuvettarayar's death is tragic. He dies because he doesn't want to get a bad name for his kulam. Infact he has failed in his duty grossly. His senses clouded by Nandini's love or his lust clouded his senses. He ignores his brother's information about the aabathudavigal. Infact, he sides with the conspirators. To absolve of his badname he has earned, kalki decides to kill him. Infact, when I read the first time, I had some hope that he is going to be alive after being saved first by Arunmozhi.

    4. Manimegalai's death is the most disturbing one. Kalki leaves everybody in utter sorrow by killing her. There is no other way. She goes insane because of her love for Vandhiadhevan & for her brother (very subtly described ). She very well knows that, Vandhidhevan is not going to marry her. The only way kalki can do good justice to her character is by killing her. He killed her exactly where he ends the story. So that Manimegalai's death remains as a great impression on the mind's of his readers.

    hope to see different opinions on this...
  • Dear all...

    That's an interesting thread, Sridhar. Here's my two cents worth:

    >1.Aditya Karikalan...the cursed crown prince who falls in love with the
    >girl who he cant marry..earns her wrath by killing someone close to her
    >heart...tries to make up and his life.

    To tell the truth, Aditya Karikalan seems to have had a tough time handling
    relationships. He falls in love with Nandini- he's attracted to her, yet is
    repelled by her, he's afraid of her, but sometimes he wants to wring her
    neck! It seems to me that when he killed Veera Pandian, he sealed his fate.
    Not that he could have done anything else, since he was the Crown Prince and
    was expected to win battles, rather than women. His death happened because
    he was caught between powers he couldn't judge or overthrow. Sad- but not

    >2.Manimegalai..the young innocent princess with dreams of a sundarapurushan
    >builtup by her brother..caught betweeen the rivalry between her brother and
    >her beloved..loosing her mind in the bargain eventually dying in the arms
    >of her beloved.

    Now that's a real waste of a life. Manimegalai was a sweet girl, not letting
    herself be bothered with being a princess and living a great life. Her life
    and dreams were simple. Her decline must be laid at her brother's door- left
    alone, she wouldn't have built so many casles in the air that eventually
    destroyed her. Her death, I think, is the most tragic- mostly because she
    wasn't responsible for what happened to her.

    >3.Periya Paluvettarayar...The kingmaker who gets dissillusioned by his
    >young new wife..betraying his king and plotting against him amd his
    >children fooling himself that he was doing it for the good of the
    >kingdom.....Realising that he was harbouring traitors in his own
    >household...takes his own life in his hands after saving the country from a

    PP fell into the oldest trap of all- falling for a young beauty and then
    spending an eternity in doubt,anger,love and hate. A very confusing
    existence. In the event, its a surprise that he actually realised what his
    wife was doing right under his nose. But he did, and made a valuable attempt
    to salvage his and his family's pride- so I think his death was one of
    honour, not tragedy.

    >4.Mandhakini...The deaf mute girl who loves a prince...bears twins she
    >doesnt raise..safegaurding her lovers child like a guardian angel..finally
    >giving her life to save her beloveds and gains immortality in the eyes of

    Mandhakini is the ideal Thyaagi of Thamizh yore:-) loving children because
    they were her lover's; giving her life for a man she hadn't seen in years,
    treasuring his memories and being faithful right until the very end. She was
    a simple soul-full of loyalty and courage. She believed in what she loved-
    and that saved her being disillusioned. her death was peaceful- she died in
    her lover's arms, saving him from death. That was an honourable death too.

    Looking forward to more views,

  • Dear All,

    This thread is turning out to be more interesting. I was quite surprised when no one included "pinagapani's" death. IMHO it is the most disturbing death in PS.

    folks, listen to the following arguements patiently :-)

    1) Pinagapani is sort of presented as a comic figure from the start - that sort of comic figure, who gets beaten up often ( slapstic variety?). Its disturbing to see the comic relief done away with unceremoniously.

    2) He is the ultimate fodder to vandiyathevan, we "know" everytime pinagapani turns up, he is going to get into a mess and the story will take a hilarious turn

    3) There is no need for pinagapani to die. he could have been easily made a lunatic ( to fill up the void karuthiruman leaves?) or a recruit of "abathudavis". Death was the last fate i expected for him.

    4) the nature of his death - sudden and stunning. we expect someone to die in that episode ("aiyo pisasu"?), but not pinagapani. It was really pathetix to see the villainous/comic sidekick to die with his dreams unfulfilled ( the lines do mention something about his unfulfilled dreams)

    3) Coming to why other canditates for "most disturbing death" dont measure upto pinagapani,

    Aditha karikalan: - we know he is going to be bumped off sometime since thats a historical fact and he has got to clear the way for aruLmozhi

    Manimegalai - same as above, since vandiyathevan can have only one heroine and poor manimegalai ahem.. is sort of "underdog" in the race, so has to die (Otherwise she would have to suddenly call vandiyathevan "aNNa" at the end or give him a "bulb" ;-))

    periya pazhuvettaraiyar: till the very start of fifth part, he ranks high in the villain pantheon ( although somewhat pathetic). So most of us who werent moved by his transformation in the beginning of the fifth pagam are more or less convinced he has to go.

    mandagini : aha.. i would call her the most bumpable character. No way out for her except death (cmon, guardian angels have to walk the path of "the ultimate sacrifice" sometime in the story)

    So once again folks - pinagapani's death is the most disturbing death in PS. (come on guys, that dude deserved a break ;-))
  • Hi,

    I'm a member from Bangalore. Though I would love to
    join the yaathirai, I'm sorry I couldn't because of my
    examinations. I wish you a great and fruitful trip.
    And eager to know the status of the places about which
    I have dreamed for a long time now..

    About the most disturbing death, I would rule out
    Karikalan because we knew from beginning that he would
    die, due to historical facts. And Kalki established
    clearly that Nandhini will cause it, So nothing
    majorly disturbing about that.

    I don't consider Pinagapani's death disturbing in any
    way. I mean, it did not affect me as a reader, neither
    did it affect the story line or flow in any major way.

    Mandhagini's death was a result of her love for the
    King. And from the time she saw the assassin in the
    ragasiya nilavaRai, it is easy to deduce that she will
    give her life to save the king. It was an emotional
    death, but certainly not a disturbing one, considering
    that the king too recognised her love by holding her
    on his lap in her dying moments. This death proves
    that pure love is always rewarded, and pure love is
    worth giving one's life for. These are certainly not
    disturbing thoughts, are they??

    The two other deaths of Pazhuvettaraiyar and
    Manimegalai are the most tragic. And most disturbing
    for me because they are closely linked to my favourite
    character Vandhiyathevan. What Manimegalai had for VT
    is the purest of all love, at times even better than
    what Kundavai showed for VT. Because VT has already
    lost his heart to Kundavai, he couldn't reciprocate to
    Manimekalai. Pazhuvettaraiyar, on the other hand,
    though he killed himself for failing in his duty and
    committing serious mistakes, he gave his life also to
    clear VT from the charge of killing Karikalan. If he
    hadn't owned up responsibility for Karikalan's death,
    then VT would not have been able to lead a peaceful
    life. So that justifies Pazhuvettaraiyar's death to
    some extent.

    But Manimekalai's death was most unfortunate and most
    tragic and unexpected for me. Further she did not get
    her love reciprocated (for no fault of nobody though.)
    And the fact that Kalki chose this death to end the
    story also makes it poignant. I was expecting the
    climax to be a scene in the aranmanai nandavanam
    describing a romantic conversation between
    Vandhiyathevan and Kundavai. Kalki was there in the
    middle of the romance but suddenly introduced
    Kandhamaaran's letter about Manimekalai, making me
    very miserable.

    By these acounts, I would say Manimekalai's death was
    the most disturbing one.

  • Dear Meenakshi sudaram

    That Was a very beutiful analysis I didnt find Pinagapanis Death that significant hence didnt include him in the original question...But manimegalai and periyapaluvetayar were unexpected..

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