Ramayanam before Kamban 85- Ramanatheswaram - Part 2.
  • Now we will see the 8th temple. Again this temple is referred in Thevaram as Ramanathesvaram. A Temple believed to have been worshiped by Rama in Thevaram time itself.

    This temple is sung by Sambandar as Ramanatheeswaram - இராமனதீச்சரம்
    சங்கொளிர் முன்கையர் தம்மிடையே
    அங்கிடு பலிகொளு மவன்கோபப்
    பொங்கர வாடலோன்
    எங்கும னிராமன தீச்சரமே.

    This temple is situated very close to Thirukkannapuram.




    This temple has epigraphs from the period od Aditya1. ( 7th RY - 878 AD) The epigraphs refer the lord as Tiruvirameswaram udaya nayanar.The village is refered as Madana Manjari Chathurvedimangalam.

    The epigraphs also refer " Aravamudha Vinnagarap Peruman".

    It is very interesting to note that - Other than Rameswaram Ramanatha, there was another Ramanatheswaram in TN even during Sambandar period itself.

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