Tirunelveli Temples - Nellaiappar
  • I have made some Observations in Tirunelveli temples. I am trying to put them one by one. Request members to delibarate this with info they have on the subject.


    1. The legendary Nellaiappar temple was sung by Sambandar.

    2. There is a Narasimhar temple close to the western tower. The temple is now completely renovated and lost all the inscriptions. But this temple was a stone structure in 8th C itself and fortunately the epigraphs were recorded in 1927.

    The oldest belongs to Varaguna 1 ie 770 AD. Pandyas had stone structures much earlier than Cholas started. This epigraph refers to grants given to a Brahmapurisvara temple. A Chozhan thalai konda vira pandiyan epigraphs also refer the siva. (950 )

    3. Nellaiappar temple has a smaller siva shirine close to the main one. Now the prahara is raised and most of the wall of this temple is not visible but fortunately the epigraphs were recorded earlier and belong to Chozhan Thalai konda Vira pandiyan.

    4. Narasimhar temple had epigraphs of RRC refering to the same siva.

    5. Later Pandya epigraphs of Narasimha temple refers to grants to Narasimha.

    6. There are 2 Rajendra epigraphs on the pillars of main shirine but they seems to be a later copy

    7. There are no inscriptions on the main temple.

    8. It is quite possible that original structure was reconstructed later, retaining some old part.

    9. There are 2 beautiful panels . A umasahitha. There are 2 smaller panels of Ganesa and Kannappa attached to it. There is a kala samhara.

    These panels might have been in the older stone vimana or must be a later one also. request members to give their view.

    10. The Lingodbhava seems to be a later one which must have been replaced the original Narasimha.

    11.  The Govinda Raja shirine was discovered by Kanchi Mahaswami in 1940s. He suspected that the temple must be  like Chidambaram and asked them to break a wall. They found the Govindaraja sannidhi. Some Vaishnava elders told me the utsava idols of the local Karia Manikka temple is actually this Govinda only.

    12. The Bhairava shirine outside also looks very unique. Looks like a old chola structure.

    13. the main temple has 2 tiger belly and a human belly (human belly was seen in Manimangalam also)
  • Mr.Sankar,

    you have referred to 'old Cholas' in,

    " 12. The Bhairava shirine outside also looks very unique. Looks like a old chola structure "Quote.

    Perhahaps yo ciuld be more specific, like "sangam period" or "Pallava contemporary".

    Sangam period can be ruled out , since at that time Temple building was not prevalent, except very sparcely few.

    WE can search forCave temples by Cholas, in EarlyPallava period( 3rd to 4th century )

    VKR  'Cave ,

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