Meaning of the name Anabayan
  • Dear All,
    > Can any of you please tell me the meaning(s) of the name Anabayan?

    Thank you.
  • Dear All,


    Can any of you could you please tell me the meaning(s) of the name Anabayan?

  • Dear All,

    Good morning.

    Can any of you could you please tell me the meaning(s) of the name Anabayan?

    Thank you.
  • without fear or no fear
    “*Here the language of stone surpasses the language of man*” – Nobel
    laureate, Rabindranath Tagore

    On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 1:07 PM, saravanan jeeva
  • Anabayan = If the horoscope of a person, at the time of birth, has Suba
    Gragams at the 12th place from Moon, he is said to have Anaba Yogam. Such person
    is called Anabayan. (Ref-: Vidhana Malai). He will live long healthily, and will
    achieve anything where others fail.

    This may be the reason for his name.
  • Anabayan - if it is the name for a king - it means people can be with fear
    in his rule - which means he is a good great efficient king who keeps his
    subjects away from wars and tyrant rules. (please correct me if im wrong)
  • Dear Mr Vijay,

    The meaning of the word "ANAPAYA" as follows

    Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon: Search Results
    1 anapAya mfn. without obstacles , prosperous ; m. freedom from mischief ; (in
    phil.) the state of not being abridged or deprived of (abl.) ; N. of S3iva.

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