RRC Painting in Periya Kovil
  • Dear Friends,

    I have sourced a Painting of RRC and Karuvur Thevar it is available in the link

  • Dear Mr.Sukivenk
    I was thrilled at the sight of the painting, I was nostageic of my boyhood and youth, when I had the oppurtuhity to read Sivakamiyin Sabtham on wards up to Amrathara in kalki along with Maniyans delightful art work.I still remember them , particularly th historic novels. The painting under reference could have been mistaken as that of late Maniyan in Kalki magazine.
    Now I wish to say how this painting shows the care taken by Maniyan in depicting in his line drawings and paintings the culture of the historic times. I am aware that Kalki used travel a lot in search of archives and historic location. Manian must have accompanied him . His son Manian Selvan should be contacted for more details about this.

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