We have been having good (heated) discussions, now time to sit and sip tea, coffee, beer, rum or elaneer and have some more good discussions of the less heated variety.
Please name one tamilian, from the past, that you would like to meet. Let us not get caught up in the nuances too much, like if a person has kannada, telugu or other heritage.
And in order to make it interesting (and probably a good learning experience) let us restrict ourselves to people born before 1900CE. Even if a person was born on Dec 31st 1899, she or he becomes a candidate. Needless to say she or he could be a saint, philosopher, soldier, king, freedom fighter, farmer, statesman, minister or whatever. Just 2 simple rules (repeating):
1)Must be a tamilian (part-tamil is okay too). 2)Born before 1900CE.
Let me set the ball roooooooollllllllinnnnnnnngggggggggggg......
let us restrict ourselves to people born before 1900CE. Even if a person was born on Dec 31st 1899, she or he becomes a candidate.
what about someone who was born on 9-9- 1899? he's the reason we are all here
Needless to say she or he could be a saint, philosopher, soldier, king, freedom fighter, farmer, statesman, minister or whatever. Just 2 simple rules (repeating): > > 1)Must be a tamilian (part-tamil is okay too). > 2)Born before 1900CE. > > Let me set the ball roooooooollllllllinnnnnnnngggggggggggg...... > > I would like to meet Tiruvalluvar. > > GRS >
Isn't 9-9-1899 before 12-31-1899? Or am I missing something there? Maybe my englipeechu is not that good. What I was trying to say is anyone born before the year 1900 AD.
I totally agree with your ground rules..excellent moderation...
1.I agree you cannot go back and change because the first one always comes from you subconscious mind...
2. It has to be one only
Cholas and Pallavas for this argument I think will be Tamils ( I hope Thread moderator GRS agrees..)
Kind Regards
If I can stop one heart from breaking,I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching,Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin, Into his nest again, I shall not live in vain. Emily Dickinson
Yes, Cholas or Pallavas are considered as tamilians. As I said initially, we should not nitpick; if they had tamilian heritage we should consider them.
I would like to meet Rajaditya Cholan - who built veeranam. Even after 1000 years he still quenches thirst and feeds thousands of people. Though confined to few lines in history, he is a great visionary indeed . He and other countless tamilians who built lakes deserve a better place in our history.
I would like to meet Rajaditya Cholan - who built veeranam. Even after 1000 years he still quenches thirst and feeds thousands of people. Though confined to few lines in history, he is a great visionary indeed . He and other countless tamilians who built lakes deserve a better place in our history.