How much of Indian History is Hindu History? (river sharing)
  • Yes. I see a pattern of human behavior connected with the issue of sharing river waters. Be it between Karnataka & Tamil Nadu or Pakistan & India. If things are not solve dharmically (a.k.a amicably) then war will break out.

    River waters will be a pain in the wrong place with growing population on this planet.
  • I recently visited nangal dam in punjab
    the water would straight flow into pakistan ( a few miles away)but this dam turns it right side into thirsty rajastan

    also drove along the dry vaigai last week to manamadurai. realised how vaigai dam made the upstream people rich and the down stream people deprived of their natural rights

  • 1. Rivers can be used as a weapon in long-drawn wars. And in wars, especially proxy ones, human rights are thrown out the window.
    2. Discussing the rights of the people living in the upper & lower reaches of a river system can get very tricky. As long as the population on the planet was sustainable then these people really did not impact each other much. Once the population began to balloon, it is just tonnes of problems.
    3. India is not unique in this aspect, people across the globe fight for water.

    We, humans, are a doomed lot.
  • as experts say the next war is about water not land

    dams are perhaps responsible for stable harvests and hence balooning populations

    but then they do create grave injustices down stream

    cauvery being dammed among first in the world has reacted by narrower widths further down.

    though it is quite wide at the final point poompuhar just 8 km before it when the karaikal road cuts it, its just a stream. the world record long jump champion should be able to cross it without getting his feet wet

  • Water sharing problem too will peter out eventually if existing big dams
    are dismantled and a ban on new tall dams. If only check dams are
    allowed, available water will be stored over a larger area, distributed
    over several states and districts. Ground water table will also rise.

    I have noticed this phenomenon over several years. During early monson
    periods, the emphasis is on filling the dams, and virtually all downflow
    is stopped. When the monsoon recedes with a heavy rainfall for even a
    day or two, all villages and towns downstream are flodded as the dams
    also release max water to protect the dam- double blow to the people
    living on the banks.

    Even if the dams store only 50% of the inflow, and not allowed to fill
    to the brim, flooding will be a lot less.
  • Will the alternate be

    1. To deepen the lakes built by kings.

    2. to revive all channels so that flood water drains from lake to lake.

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