The only way to not offend anyone religiously would be to not discuss religion. For example, I can argue or point to articles that argue the very essence of some of these religions is to convert or show their violent and/or political side. This can offend some.
I would argue apart from radical elements in any religion, there are radical thoughts in CERTAIN religions that are not tolerant to other "religions".
I have not read this thread but was prompted to do so after Ravi's message and also as a supporter of the basic teachings of Jesus which are very much in common with basic indian (i say indian and not hindu) tenements of ahimsa/non violence and compassion.
There is an ongoing problem that is coming up almost on every thread. There are people for whom some issues especially those concerning religion are very personal and those who believe that since we belong to a religion we ought to belive that religion is superior/otherwise we are disloyal/too liberal/scared/whatever. There are some others who believe we can discuss all religions from an objective/unbiased point of view including our own and perhaps look more closely at what is wrong with our own so that we can be aware and correct ourselves.
There is no problem with people belonging to different camps, problem arises only when one camp thinks the other has to be like them. I can't tell others what to do - from experience i know those folks who are touchy and will do my best not to respond or follow up those posts. Unless it happens to be a touchy women's rights issue and then of course you really got it :))
Since you bring the topic about Indian views on ahimsa and compassion; can you give us (or me) your perspective on what you think is the Indian views on ahmisa & compassion?
> > The only way to not offend anyone religiously would be to not discuss religion. For example, I can argue or point to articles that argue the very essence of some of these religions is to convert or show their violent and/or political side. This can offend some. > > I would argue apart from radical elements in any religion, there are radical thoughts in CERTAIN religions that are not tolerant to other "religions". > > Moderate panna romba kashtama poyidum :-))) > > It boils down to the maturity of us members.
Hi there are a thousand groups in the net which cater exclusively for members to spew their hate mail on religious issues. people who want their religious views to be heard have ample opportunity to debate privately. so far we have managed to keep away from that never ending debates.
if you see our previous religious debated the maturity level were certainly in question atleast 10 members join us daily in the hope they see something new in tamil history. so please lets restrain ourselves
As you know I neither started the thread nor have I posted anything to hurt other sentiments. My point is precisely what you said, it is tough to discussion religion without hurting others.