Hi All, I just wanted to share something. Few days ago my brother in law was translating the summary of a thesis work on network security. They have to submit the summary in both English and Tamil and hence i was caught up for help. We asked few people who do this as a profession...but they are charging so much per word. 12 rs per word...is jut too much. In google also they have only hindi translation. Do anyone know a good tamil translation site. Please help me.
I don't think Google has tamil translation in it. It is "Transliteration" available, which is not a translation one... If I am missing anything please let me know.
Tamil in internet has started flourishing only few years now. Also, automating the translation is a difficult one and I don't think any tamil net scholor has tried it yet. if you don't want to use professionals you might need to do it yourself.
However, the charges you quote seem to be too high. Did you check with Blogger Dondu Raghavan? He is professional translator for German and English. I heard him saying he does English to tamil as well. His full name is Narasimhan Raghavan
This blog has a transliterator software on the left side. Try that. Mean time, I will try to get his mobile number / mail id. If it is urgent, you can put a comment in his post providing your contact details. He will call you.