Abraham Lincoln & JFK --
  • Yeah.. John F Kennedy .. of course.

    And that is lovely original source from R Venkat.. as usual .. as the

  • The chance coicidences as remarkable. As personalities Lincoln does
    not compare with JFK ,not even remotely. JFK was the playboy, suave
    glib talking politician with lot of secrets to hide. He had some
    basic good qualities like openness of mind and was a good orator but
    that aside he was far from the principled right minded Lincoln, just
    an ordinary politican of our times.
  • JFK was the playboy, suave
    > glib talking politician with lot of secrets to hide.

    one who won with the least difference before bush.

    He had some
    > basic good qualities like openness of mind and was a good orator
    > that aside he was far from the principled right minded Lincoln,
    > an ordinary politican of our times.
    > --- In ponniyinselvan@yahoogroups.com, "Sivapathasekaran"

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