ChozhalMandala Music
  • Dear Malathi.
    This is way off the subject,
    but do you know of any Indian music as powerful as
    R. Shankar's for "Pathar Panchali"?
    I only as because I find the Indian music for sale here
    rather irritating, and want to know what you consider
    the finest in Malabar & Coromandal styles . . .
  • Dear Kathie, there is *lots* of powerful indian music, yes as you
    rightly say the variety available in the west appears severely
    limited :) I can give you a list of stores you can go to if you happen
    to visit India or share my collection most willingly here in US, if you
    want to write to me :)

    I have a bone to pick with Ray - as someone who pioneered the marketing
    of 'poor India' so I won't go there :)) What do you mean by Malabar and
    Coromandal styles? Keralite music?

  • >
    > In a single MAIL, Katherine asked us..
    > what is Indian (or sub-Indian ) atleast related to music .!
    > Malabar - Keralite
    > Coromandal - traditional classical
    > Pandit RS - Hindustani
    > We have been posting ready-made replies for such queries.
    > regards/ sps
    hi sps

    amongst all this, i must say that the pari, tarai and tappattai -
    unfortunately now mostly associated with funeral music ( and kuthu
    songs), but i found the native rythms - especially the parai as the
    hide is shown against the bonfire, as the hide heats up - the beats
    become more sonorous - and pulls you to dance..


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