Expectation of man and a women in a relationship - Silapadikaram
  • Probably the most popular belief might be that Kovalan went behind
    Madahavi and spent all money for her and when Kovalan burnt all the
    money he had , Madhavi broke up with him. But that's not how things
    happen in Illango's master epic. Kovalan goes behind Madhavi and
    spends all his wealth for her and expect sexual union and physical
    pleasure from her when ever he visits her. Madhavi wants a emotional
    bondage and just not physical pleasure from Kovalan. Kovalan gets
    frustrated with Madhavi after some time because Madhavi expects love
    but all Kovalan wanted was making love. Kovalan breaks off from
    Madhavi after a period of time when Madhavi doesn't give herself in for
    a sexual union whenever he expected.

    In Canto 7 Kaanalvari of Puhar Kandam, Illango brings the tension
    between Madhavi and Kovalan. Madhavi and Kovalan sit in the shores
    of the beach and sing songs. Kovalan to press his sexual urge, sings
    lusty sailor songs which are vulgar, whereas Madhavi sings songs of
    hapless girls who long for love.

    I have selected two songs from this chapter to highlight this tension.
    One poem sung by Kovalan and other by Madhavi.


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