• Swetha,

    But you left about PINAKAPAANI. pEraasaikkara Paradhaabap piravi.

  • Also, who can forget Kandamaran, who scores a second to Pinakapani,
    in making hasty decisions and short temper.tis really surprising how
    come such a lad in Sambuvarayar heirarchy.Ofcourse,caste/sect plays a
    minor role with personal skills.As, theiva pulavar said "Pirappokum
    Elaa uyirkkum sirappova seithozil vetrumaiyan".

  • how about parthibendra pallavan...i think he is one of the most
    maligned characters ....he gets a very good introduction scene with
    AK and malaiyamaan - well kalki would hint there itself that he is a
    bit of mun kobi but then he is portrayed as a good warrior. but then
    guess with the all the talk of arms/ shields....guess there is no
    better weapon than a womens eye ( thanks thiru) and no shield that
    can protect you from the misty glance of a damsel..


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